Cool Things From Thrift Shops (21 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 13 Aug, 2021  |
  • Views: 3734  |
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“These are Candi Girl roller skates from my local resale shop! They look like they were never used.”

1 Cool Things From Thrift Shops (21 pics)

“I got these Doc Martens for $6! The thrift store was super tiny so I didn’t expect to find anything.”

2 Cool Things From Thrift Shops (21 pics)

“This vintage rose dress is my favorite thrift find ever and it fits like a gem. Feels like I’m starring in some 1990s soap opera.”

3 Cool Things From Thrift Shops (21 pics)

“I found these amazing Louis Vuitton heels today! I’m so over the moon about finding these at such a good deal for them being authentic.”

4 Cool Things From Thrift Shops (21 pics)

“I got this Victorian ring for $4 today at a random thrift shop.”

5 Cool Things From Thrift Shops (21 pics)

“Cool sneakers straight out of 2003. I bought both for $18.”

6 Cool Things From Thrift Shops (21 pics)

“The most amazing 2-piece vintage set that I just thrifted for $10”

7 Cool Things From Thrift Shops (21 pics)

“I don’t normally look in the women’s section much, but this blouse for $2 has an awesome print, and I think it suits me!”

8 Cool Things From Thrift Shops (21 pics)

“This 100% silk emerald green dress was $8! Here are some different fits with stuff from this week’s haul.”

9 Cool Things From Thrift Shops (21 pics)

“My 2 favorite dresses that I recently thrifted, absolutely stunning 1980s creations!”

10 Cool Things From Thrift Shops (21 pics)

“I snagged this beautiful skirt for only $1 today!”

11 Cool Things From Thrift Shops (21 pics)

“These are vintage lambskin Christian Dior pants ($32). You never know when you’ll stumble upon something amazing!”

12 Cool Things From Thrift Shops (21 pics)

“Diesel suede mini cowboys for $15!”

13 Cool Things From Thrift Shops (21 pics)

“I love finds like these! I picked up these vintage Levi’s and in one of the pockets was a movie ticket for A Bug’s Life from 1998.”

14 Cool Things From Thrift Shops (21 pics)

“A vintage Whiting & Davis mesh bag from the 1970s”

15 Cool Things From Thrift Shops (21 pics)

“A really cool horse jacket I found today at an estate sale for about $1!”

16 Cool Things From Thrift Shops (21 pics)

“These metallic thigh-high boots I got for $10 today! Practical? Not really. Fabulous? Absolutely.”

17 Cool Things From Thrift Shops (21 pics)

“I got this amazing 1970s Wrangler disco shirt with apple motifs and apple pie written all over it. It’s perfect.”

18 Cool Things From Thrift Shops (21 pics)

“It reminds me of the movie, Clueless. I couldn’t resist it. It was only $4.”

19 Cool Things From Thrift Shops (21 pics)

“I scored these cool Van Gogh Vans for just $6!”

20 Cool Things From Thrift Shops (21 pics)

“I’ve been short and ’curvy’ my whole life and would have never thought to wear a jumpsuit. But after I lost weight, I tried on this cutie at a local thrift shop and I’m pretty sure it was made for me!”

21 Cool Things From Thrift Shops (21 pics)


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