Time For Nostalgia: School Days (19 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 29 Jul, 2021  |
  • Views: 1788  |
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Those children who carried their entire collection of pencils and colors...

1 Time For Nostalgia: School Days (19 pics)

“My student’s teeny tiny pencil.”

2 Time For Nostalgia: School Days (19 pics)

What child never tried to “find out the future” by playing with this strange artifact?

3 Time For Nostalgia: School Days (19 pics)

Erasers were also true canvases where you could let your creativity flow to make masterpieces.

4 Time For Nostalgia: School Days (19 pics)

Signing uniforms was a year-end classic!

5 Time For Nostalgia: School Days (19 pics)

Almost every year someone would break a bone and classmates would line up to sign the cast.

6 Time For Nostalgia: School Days (19 pics)

We spent the whole break exchanging stickers and cards with other kids.

7 Time For Nostalgia: School Days (19 pics)

You couldn’t miss an erupting volcano at the science fairs, could you?

8 Time For Nostalgia: School Days (19 pics)

We even remember what the milk tasted like in that cup.

9 Time For Nostalgia: School Days (19 pics)

We were proud to see our posters on display at the school.

10 Time For Nostalgia: School Days (19 pics)

The dread of memorizing all the elements of the periodic table.

11 Time For Nostalgia: School Days (19 pics)

We always had that pencil that changed its tip.

12 Time For Nostalgia: School Days (19 pics)

We used the side of the paper to create comics or just to decorate.

13 Time For Nostalgia: School Days (19 pics)

Water, juice, or chocolate milk, what did you carry in this Thermos?

14 Time For Nostalgia: School Days (19 pics)

Who would collect folder sheets to exchange with friends and forget to use them later?

15 Time For Nostalgia: School Days (19 pics)

It felt so good to have a backpack with wheels when you looked at the rest of the kids carrying all their books on their actual backs.

16 Time For Nostalgia: School Days (19 pics)

When the teacher would let us write on the blackboard and we would take advantage of the opportunity to customize it.

17 Time For Nostalgia: School Days (19 pics)

Let’s not forget those who used to play (and trade) with the Tazos during recess.

18 Time For Nostalgia: School Days (19 pics)

Finish drinking the juice or soft drink so you can start breaking the plastic cup into strips.

19 Time For Nostalgia: School Days (19 pics)


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