Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 12 Jul, 2021  |
  • Views: 2001  |
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"Just moved into our new home!"

1 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"We got sent some parts for an order and this is how many are usable vs how many are not."

2 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Was about to go on my flight to Reno, Nevada, slipped on an orange and dislocated my knee."

3 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"30% Extra bottle & liquid, but not straw."

4 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Enjoying the last few bites of my sandwich when..."

5 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"My freezer broke 2 days ago and I didn’t notice so now all of the meat we had in it is bad."

6 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Got tested for allergies today. Turns out I’m allergic to everything except mold."

7 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"I burnt the holiday bacon and now I’m the family villain."

8 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

Extra cinnamon, anyone?

9 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

10 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"The view from my Hotel room at the beach resort."

11 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Assholes put spike strips in the roads so you stop.. then they mug you."

12 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Tanned a bit too much while wearing shoes. Kids call them my chimp feet."

13 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Spent 35 hours building this LEGO set."

14 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"My calves become a buffet every time I go for a run. I'm a mosquito magnet."

15 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"I was making some toast and heard a pop behind me."

16 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Got a smart watch to get healthy only to get told I have heart problems."

17 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"I got a cut so I put a band-aid on. Turns out I'm allergic to the band-aid adhesive."

18 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"I told my friend to stop rocking the boat… literally."

19 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"In ten seconds I'm going to discover the value of lifejackets and renter's insurance."

20 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Lost my phone at a construction site today. Found it a little later."

21 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

22 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Dog just sh*t in the car on our two hour ride. With nothing to clean it of course."

23 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"In the past seven days, I've gotten 2 nails in the same tire- after an exhausting day at work / repairing my tire, Wendy's f*cked up my baconator (they gave me a CHICKEN SANDWICH). I finally got home and hung my dress pants up and tried to relax... Then... My closet failed."

24 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

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