Pets Find Best Places For Their Rest (19 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 13 Jul, 2021  |
  • Views: 1359  |
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“He felt left out. We *tried* to work on our puzzle.”

1 Pets Find Best Places For Their Rest (19 pics)

“Where should I sits? I think I’ll sits here.”

2 Pets Find Best Places For Their Rest (19 pics)

“This seat will do just fine.”

3 Pets Find Best Places For Their Rest (19 pics)

“My rabbit ’adjusting’ to the newborn”

4 Pets Find Best Places For Their Rest (19 pics)

“Just make yourself comfortable, Dweezil.”

5 Pets Find Best Places For Their Rest (19 pics)

“Finally found the problem with our flattened flowers.”

6 Pets Find Best Places For Their Rest (19 pics)

“Elijah, you weigh 12 pounds and earn approximately negative 100 dollars a month. Why are you taking up 75% of the desk chair?”

7 Pets Find Best Places For Their Rest (19 pics)

“At least she doesn’t eat it.”

8 Pets Find Best Places For Their Rest (19 pics)

“That’s enough news for today.”

9 Pets Find Best Places For Their Rest (19 pics)

“I don’t need to breathe at all apparently.”

10 Pets Find Best Places For Their Rest (19 pics)

“Throwback to when my goat was standing on my donkey.”

11 Pets Find Best Places For Their Rest (19 pics)

“Now I know why my dog tries to avoid him.”

12 Pets Find Best Places For Their Rest (19 pics)

“This is not what I had in mind when I said I wanted to catch birds on camera!”

13 Pets Find Best Places For Their Rest (19 pics)

“Carried some stuff inside and this is what I came back to.”

14 Pets Find Best Places For Their Rest (19 pics)

“Apparently, our cat thinks he owns next door’s bike.”

15 Pets Find Best Places For Their Rest (19 pics)

“I was sitting here playing a game, got up for water, and came back to this.”

16 Pets Find Best Places For Their Rest (19 pics)

“It’s my fault not to wake up early enough to shotgun my chair.”

17 Pets Find Best Places For Their Rest (19 pics)

“He’s not allowed to go on the table.”

18 Pets Find Best Places For Their Rest (19 pics)

“Seriously!!! Why???"

19 Pets Find Best Places For Their Rest (19 pics)


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