Redneck Inventions (31 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 15 Jul, 2021  |
  • Views: 2824  |
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1 Redneck Inventions (31 pics)

At least he made "safety" rails.

2 Redneck Inventions (31 pics)

Redneck RV

3 Redneck Inventions (31 pics)

Red neck hot tub goals. Yes... this is my basement.

4 Redneck Inventions (31 pics)

5 Redneck Inventions (31 pics)

I wanted an outdoor super bowl party, but I threw away the TV stand long ago.

6 Redneck Inventions (31 pics)

The forbidden cake mixer, made from an electric fan.

7 Redneck Inventions (31 pics)

8 Redneck Inventions (31 pics)

We have ourselves a Craftsman.

9 Redneck Inventions (31 pics)

Heavy Duty Office Chair.

10 Redneck Inventions (31 pics)

Lost the straw to my WD-40. Attached a new one from the Capri Sun of my son.

11 Redneck Inventions (31 pics)

Found this in the wild.

12 Redneck Inventions (31 pics)

13 Redneck Inventions (31 pics)

Hillbilly ATV

14 Redneck Inventions (31 pics)

I needed a longer aux cord.

15 Redneck Inventions (31 pics)

16 Redneck Inventions (31 pics)

Shovel and Salt your driveway the redneck way! Yee Yee!

17 Redneck Inventions (31 pics)

Brake Light Switch

18 Redneck Inventions (31 pics)

19 Redneck Inventions (31 pics)

He needed a sprayable lubricant. That's motor oil.

20 Redneck Inventions (31 pics)

My attempt at a homemade A/C. My friends called me a madman, but it works!

21 Redneck Inventions (31 pics)

22 Redneck Inventions (31 pics)

DIY - How to fix a falling fence with two screws!

23 Redneck Inventions (31 pics)

Where it belongs.

24 Redneck Inventions (31 pics)

25 Redneck Inventions (31 pics)

Roku stick to hot? Wedge a cold juice box behind it.

26 Redneck Inventions (31 pics)

Who thinks of this?

27 Redneck Inventions (31 pics)

At first glance, it’s a minivan on a trailer...

28 Redneck Inventions (31 pics)

29 Redneck Inventions (31 pics)

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