What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 12 Jul, 2021  |
  • Views: 2152  |
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1 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

"Domed metal object, 3-4 metres tall, seen on a university campus in London, text reads “WARNING DO NOT ENTER – VENT VENT VENT”"

2 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

A: "It’s art. Titled “Dissent Module” by Rachel Ara."

"Seen while hiking in Iceland near a glacier. No writing or label – what is this thing?"

3 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

A: "It’s a station for something called Summits on the Air"

"Brown ball, blue on the inside"

4 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

A: "It’s a bouncy ball that’s been outside for a long, long time"

"Found a fairly wet spot in my yard, decided to dig it up thinking it’s a broken water line going to my outside spicket and found a tunnel where a pipe would be but nothing there but this, it just keeps coming out in chunks. Near a drain field, built in 96. Heard maybe old pipe insulation…"

5 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

A: "You could have found a section of wooden piping. Like the one in this article. It has probably rotted away and collapsed leaving a void."

"Small whiskey related tile fragment found in garden"

6 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

A: "Pretty sure this is from Pennsylvania Distilling Co. I’m still looking for more info, but I am currently going down the path of whiskey flavored toothpaste (from the brushing instructions)."

"What is this 6 foot long thing found on a former residential construction/landscaping site?"

7 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

A: "Straw log aka wattle. Used for erosion control and to prevent construction debris and runoff from going into the storm drain."

"Heavy black balloon (?) hanging under white net in a field"

8 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

A: "Home made horse fly trap. Be Intrested to see how well it worked."

"What is this attachment on the shower wall in our apartment? Looks too wide to hold soap I think."

9 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

A: "Soap dish/sponge holder"

"Moved into a new place and it had these weird drawers in the kitchen. Any idea what they’re for or if there’s some sort of insert for them? They sort of useless as they are."

10 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

A: "Being next to the oven they are likely for cookie sheets and pans. Cutting boards are also an option."

"The wheels are 8″ tall and the entire thing is about 18″. Bought it from a Goodwill in Austin, because I thought it was interesting and the metal pegs seem antique. What is this?"

11 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

A: "It’s a cannon carriage."

"I found these purple and white (medical?) things in the center console of a rental from enterprise, I also found about 6 dollars cash so I know it wasn’t cleaned properly, what are they?"

12 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

A: "Those are BD brand lancets for pricking fingers, for checking blood glucose"

"Small wooden building found deep in the woods on state land with nothing around it. Above the door it says it belongs to a local trap and field club (about two miles down the road.)"

13 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

A: "It’s most likely an old blind for hunting"

"Loosen them they slide, tighten them they stop moving, does anyone know?"

14 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

A: "It’s a plank forming jig, for shaping wood"

"Saw these in sidewalks in two cities in Norway. About 12”x12"

15 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

A: "They are snow/ice sensors"

"2 inch long metal thing, top piece slides out, there is a slit in the back side of the top piece when taken apart. Cylindrical but not exactly round, more oval shaped."

16 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

A: "I am sure it’s some kind of antique lipstick tube."

"Two flat metal round disks with long stem attached by hinges. No markings. Found in a new kitchen."

17 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

A: "It’s a flame snuffer"

"Had this small wooden box thing for 20 years. Still don’t know what it is"

18 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

A: "It is a protection charm from a Japanese temple."

"My friend found this on the side of the road and is just going to use it as an end table so they painted it but I’m so curious as to what this is actually for."

19 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

A: "It’s a drying rack for artwork"

"Chickenheart wire object with handle"

20 What Are These Things For? (20 pics)

A: "Modern decoration made in the style of an old Rug Beater."


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