Wholesome Moments (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 6 Jul, 2021  |
  • Views: 1450  |
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I was told my chances of having kids after radiation was very slim. 7 years later my son was born.

1 Wholesome Moments (20 pics)

My daughter’s first ponytail.

2 Wholesome Moments (20 pics)

Our 15-day-old preemie daughter getting discharged from the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit.

3 Wholesome Moments (20 pics)

My niece just got a puppy. I think he likes her.

4 Wholesome Moments (20 pics)

She said yes!

5 Wholesome Moments (20 pics)

The firefighters called my 3-year-old nephew over to meet them. He was over the moon and it was his birthday.

6 Wholesome Moments (20 pics)

We found baby kittens in a barn and my heart is melting.

7 Wholesome Moments (20 pics)

My great-grandmother and I share a birthday. This was taken on her 100th and my 19th.

8 Wholesome Moments (20 pics)

Girlfriend had surgery, Lucy hasn’t left her side for a minute.

9 Wholesome Moments (20 pics)

The day my grandpa met my new kitten.

10 Wholesome Moments (20 pics)

Apparently I’m pretty comfy.

11 Wholesome Moments (20 pics)

Came home to my favorite peeps.

12 Wholesome Moments (20 pics)

My new kitten’s first encounter with the big ball of flame in the sky.

13 Wholesome Moments (20 pics)

My niece meeting her new kitten.

14 Wholesome Moments (20 pics)

Born 102 years apart on the same day. My son gets to meet his great-grandma for the first time.

15 Wholesome Moments (20 pics)

My neighbor has severe depression. I take Petunia over and that always seems to cheer her up.

16 Wholesome Moments (20 pics)

My dad and the cat he ’didn’t’ want.

17 Wholesome Moments (20 pics)

What a difference a week and a lot of love make! Rescued this handsome little guy from a storm drain.

18 Wholesome Moments (20 pics)

My daughter drew a picture of me and her with ‘Daddy Day’ written on it. This drawing has made me smile every day for 16 years. Now it’s a permanent tattoo.

19 Wholesome Moments (20 pics)

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