Smart Solutions (19 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 5 Jul, 2021  |
  • Views: 2873  |
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"You can think of it as a very original postmodern design or simply as the work of a lazy carpenter. Your call."

1 Smart Solutions (19 pics)

“My wife asked me to paint a portrait of her. This was the best I could come up with.”

2 Smart Solutions (19 pics)

“This crack in the pavement filled with a stained glass cat portrait”

3 Smart Solutions (19 pics)

“I put over 1,500 blocks of Jenga on 1, creating a new world record.”

4 Smart Solutions (19 pics)

“Made a WatermelonBoy and tested it out in public.”

5 Smart Solutions (19 pics)

“I gave LEGO flowers to my mom for Mother’s Day.”

6 Smart Solutions (19 pics)

“After I posted my painting of Bad Luck Brian, Mr. Bad Luck himself contacted me to purchase it.”

7 Smart Solutions (19 pics)

“A tension structure I put together from spare parts I had lying around.”

8 Smart Solutions (19 pics)

"And to think that someone took the time and trouble to hang these tables and chairs with chains to create original family swings."

9 Smart Solutions (19 pics)

“I’ve been bored lately, it’s made from cardboard and hot glue.”

10 Smart Solutions (19 pics)

"When grandma is in town for the weekend and you gotta bust out the wheel cover she crocheted for you:"

11 Smart Solutions (19 pics)

“A small hamburger that I made out of clay”

12 Smart Solutions (19 pics)

“Who needs paint when you’ve got tape?”

13 Smart Solutions (19 pics)

“I stacked 173 Jenga blocks on one block.”

14 Smart Solutions (19 pics)

“I covered hot wings in 24 carat gold and was told it belonged here...”

15 Smart Solutions (19 pics)

“So umm yeah I did this. DIY done by a broke person who can’t afford a curtain rod, but can afford neodymium magnets and to tear a shirt. If it doesn’t fit sorry but personally, I thought, ’Why would anyone do this?’”

16 Smart Solutions (19 pics)

“Seen on Facebook Marketplace. Only $20, what a deal.”

17 Smart Solutions (19 pics)

"And to think that someone took the time to do this to their car."

18 Smart Solutions (19 pics)

“I made a monument to my favorite carb.”

19 Smart Solutions (19 pics)


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