Gadget Fails (28 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 1 Jul, 2021  |
  • Views: 2595  |
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User spilt coffee on his laptop - so he put it in the oven to dry it out...

1 Gadget Fails (28 pics)

One of our clients couldn't figure out why his wireless keyboard and mouse weren't working.

2 Gadget Fails (28 pics)

Customers Spray-Painted MacBook Air.

3 Gadget Fails (28 pics)

“Hey, grab those couple of PCs in storage down on lower level, I need one.” Here you go boss, I fetched a PC for you.

4 Gadget Fails (28 pics)

Didn't change the batteries for about 11 years.

5 Gadget Fails (28 pics)

Easy Fix

6 Gadget Fails (28 pics)

This is what happens when the tech before you puts a pc right next to a CNC in a Cabinet shop... still working

7 Gadget Fails (28 pics)

When they ask why stuff ain't workin'

8 Gadget Fails (28 pics)

Electrician friend just sent me this, found during a portable appliance test.

9 Gadget Fails (28 pics)

Her: my MacBook Pro is running hot. Inside the fan: ant colony.

10 Gadget Fails (28 pics)

“... no I have never dropped my phone in water or anything.”

11 Gadget Fails (28 pics)

First it made burning smells, then it beeped, then it died. Colorful ants!

12 Gadget Fails (28 pics)

Just opened CD-station of laptop, it appears to have gone loose...

13 Gadget Fails (28 pics)

Tired of losing your adapter?

14 Gadget Fails (28 pics)

Customer came in and said: It was not charging, so I attached the cable and now it's not working.

15 Gadget Fails (28 pics)

"User dropped the laptop. Please give us a quote."

16 Gadget Fails (28 pics)

Customer: “My J key is unresponsive.”

17 Gadget Fails (28 pics)

"Ticket: Student destroyed laptop."

18 Gadget Fails (28 pics)

"You can fix your sisters phone right? It gets hot sometimes and turns itself off a lot". "What's that smell?" Battery acid. Literally battery acid.

19 Gadget Fails (28 pics)

Boss asked me if I can save his data, because he accidentally ran over his phone with a car.

20 Gadget Fails (28 pics)

Running some IP cameras and found this... my only question is why?

21 Gadget Fails (28 pics)

Shore power cable after ~8 years exposure to salty air and moisture.

22 Gadget Fails (28 pics)

It turns out the SSD in a Microsoft Surface IS removable after all!

23 Gadget Fails (28 pics)

Hi, here's my laptop. Works better now.

24 Gadget Fails (28 pics)

Wife spilled coffee on laptop...

25 Gadget Fails (28 pics)

I left my Surface Book on the roof of my car three days ago and found it on the highway today.

26 Gadget Fails (28 pics)

My girlfriend's Xbox 360 hard drive was rattling... Can I recover the data?

27 Gadget Fails (28 pics)


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