Don't Skimp On These Things (18 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 1 Jul, 2021  |
  • Views: 2655  |
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"Also a good mattress. I recently had severe back issues and was advised to change my mattress. I chose a relatively expensive, ortho-specific option and wow, it just feels so relaxing."

1 Don't Skimp On These Things (18 pics)

"We spent $5k on a sofa (which makes my garage-saling-self want to puke) just because we knew it wouldn’t sag or fall apart like the last two."

2 Don't Skimp On These Things (18 pics)

"A good winter coat (more so for countries where it gets quite cold and/or wet obviously) nothing worse than it being cold and the wind just goes right through you."

3 Don't Skimp On These Things (18 pics)

"I’m usually a cheapskate, but I prioritize hiring people to fix things with a good reputation. I would rather pay one dude a reasonable amount to fix (house, car, equipment) than 2 separate people cheap rates to @$$ it."

4 Don't Skimp On These Things (18 pics)

"Shoes for work because I walk around in them all day."

5 Don't Skimp On These Things (18 pics)

"I swear by blackout curtains. They make a world of difference."

6 Don't Skimp On These Things (18 pics)

"A bra that fits."

7 Don't Skimp On These Things (18 pics)

"Comfortable office chairs."

8 Don't Skimp On These Things (18 pics)

"A good kitchen knife."

9 Don't Skimp On These Things (18 pics)

"Also pillows. I used to buy $30 pillows every few months because they’d lose their support after a month or 2 and I’d start waking up with headaches and a sore neck. I invested in a good pillow a year ago and still going strong, for about $150."

10 Don't Skimp On These Things (18 pics)

"Proper dental care. Not caring for teeth can cause many, many more health problems than just those related to the teeth. So besides brushing and flossing and cleaning your tongue you should also visit the dentist twice per year for a check-up."

11 Don't Skimp On These Things (18 pics)

"Definitely on underwear. Ever since I switched to a better brand as a heavy-set lad I don’t get chafe anymore! I can walk without starting a fire in my pants, and thanks to that I’ve been dropping some weight. All thanks to properly fitting underwear."

12 Don't Skimp On These Things (18 pics)

"Those toilet seats that gently lower themselves. Never hear that SLAM again in the middle of the night."

13 Don't Skimp On These Things (18 pics)

"Good headphones. Noise-canceling out the bus to work is absolutely life-changing."

14 Don't Skimp On These Things (18 pics)

"Real olive oil, not generic supermarket oil. It’s ##king liquid gold."

15 Don't Skimp On These Things (18 pics)

"Laser eye surgery. Couldn’t afford it, went into debt for it but would do again in a heartbeat."

16 Don't Skimp On These Things (18 pics)

"Moisturizer and sunscreen. Again, you don’t have to go for the most expensive option, but don’t go for the cheapest, either."

17 Don't Skimp On These Things (18 pics)

18 Don't Skimp On These Things (18 pics)


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