Thrift Store Art (31 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 24 Jun, 2021  |
  • Views: 1323  |
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1 Thrift Store Art (31 pics)

Take my money.

2 Thrift Store Art (31 pics)

A steal for only £10.

3 Thrift Store Art (31 pics)

Titled ‘Fashions For The Ocean Bed’

4 Thrift Store Art (31 pics)

The cow in the foreground is what caught my eye, but I think the girl baptizing the puppy is far worse.

5 Thrift Store Art (31 pics)

£3.45 for this beauty!

6 Thrift Store Art (31 pics)

Not terrible, but it made me laugh.

7 Thrift Store Art (31 pics)

Psychedelic Cat

8 Thrift Store Art (31 pics)

Finally found something worthy for $6.

9 Thrift Store Art (31 pics)

Came across this for £3.50.

10 Thrift Store Art (31 pics)

There is something about it that makes me keep looking.

11 Thrift Store Art (31 pics)

Does anyone know who painted this and who the subject might be? I'm not even sure if it's male or female.

12 Thrift Store Art (31 pics)

What are these owls mad about?

13 Thrift Store Art (31 pics)

14 Thrift Store Art (31 pics)

Did not buy…

15 Thrift Store Art (31 pics)

I am mildly disturbed by the way that strategically-placed fish is staring menacingly into my soul, and rather concerned that the woman is actually dead and not just enjoying an afternoon sitting on the bottom of the ocean with clown fish playing in her hair.

16 Thrift Store Art (31 pics)

This load of bull can be yours for £3.50.

17 Thrift Store Art (31 pics)

Would you put this on your wall?

18 Thrift Store Art (31 pics)

Petrifying Puss

19 Thrift Store Art (31 pics)

My partner secretly purchased this beauty for $6, and gave it to me as a present a few weeks later. It now sits proudly in our lounge room.

20 Thrift Store Art (31 pics)

Summer Vibes for only £2.50.

21 Thrift Store Art (31 pics)

Who doesn't want this 4ft monstrosity hanging on their wall?

22 Thrift Store Art (31 pics)

I see a woman with bad hair and a migraine headache so terrible that she's lost her nips and they've migrated to the drawers.

23 Thrift Store Art (31 pics)

24 Thrift Store Art (31 pics)

Bought this today, but my wife hates it. I just couldn't resist.

25 Thrift Store Art (31 pics)

I may have had the same expression as the dog upon spotting this gem.

26 Thrift Store Art (31 pics)

A possum riding a rocking horse.

27 Thrift Store Art (31 pics)

Is this a cultural reference? I'm very ancient now and have no comprehension of what this is.

28 Thrift Store Art (31 pics)

29 Thrift Store Art (31 pics)


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