Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 23 Jun, 2021  |
  • Views: 2441  |
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“First night of vacation and we go to pull out the sofa bed for the kids. Suddenly, we hear a loud crunching sound.”

1 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“Never go to bed after you’ve applied pimple cream. Now I have an haute couture IKEA pillowcase.”

2 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“Our son’s iPhone fell between the cushions and got caught in the hinges of the bed frame.”

“I made coffee while I was still half-asleep.”

3 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“I thought I was being clever by picking the biggest sandwich in the case. It was just bread.”

4 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“I picked up the salt jar.”

5 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“I wore shorts to work last night because it was 75 degrees out, and this is what it looked like outside this morning after my shift.”

6 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“Today, this is what happened to me when I got home after another 13-hour work day.”

7 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“Apparently, my scissors couldn’t handle this bottle.”

8 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“I mean, I didn’t want to eat it anyway.”

9 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“It’s 3 a.m. Everyone’s asleep and I’ve been trying to get out of my room for 30 minutes.”

10 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“My cola exploded inside the freezer.”

11 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“I knew those pancakes smelled weird.”

12 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“My mom was just finishing cleaning the kitchen and then spilled a bag of chia seeds on the ground.”

13 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“I was mowing the lawn for the first time this season and the mower picked up a rock and shot it through my front door.”

14 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“I guess it’s time for a new pepper grinder.”

15 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“I dropped a pot through my parents’ stove top while putting dishes away.”

16 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“My 7-year-old daughter managed to break a LEGO.”

17 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“My husband just wanted some crackers and cheese.”

18 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“Look at the kitchen in this $2,650 NYC apartment.”

19 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“My boyfriend bought me a $350 ring, and it did this in one day.”

20 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“I finally caved and bought the kids a box of 60 Oreo packs through Amazon. Today it arrived and this is what we got!”

21 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“It feels weird when the perfume you bought your wife for Christmas ends up in the toilet as ’air freshener.’”

22 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“I bought some Lego mini figures. They were all the same.”

23 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“I bought a pigeon-proof birdfeeder. Apparently, it’s not.”

24 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“I ordered a bunch of flowers for my mom for Mother’s Day for over $80. The flowers arrived literally moldy and dead, like they were cremated 30 years ago and then dug up.”

25 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“This cost me €45 and another €65 to fix. What I had (and wanted again) vs What I received”

26 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“This cost over $25. My disappointment is immeasurable.”

27 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“I paid $37 for this box with saffron.”

28 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“This cost me $61 for a gel refill. I tried to go for a blue ombre. My boyfriend says they look horrible.”

29 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“My college made me pay $96 for this ‘lab kit.’ There’s nothing in here worth more than 5 bucks, and the whole thing probably costs less than 20 bucks. They also included a pen.”

30 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“This lobster roll cost $34. Banana is for scale.”

31 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“This delivery driver cost me $5,500.”

32 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“My 1-month-old work boots that cost $130.”

33 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“I finally lost enough weight to fit into my nice suit. I pulled it out only to find it had been eaten by moths. Several years ago I paid about $1,000 for it. I thought it would be the only suit I’d ever need.”

34 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“I paid extra for the ‘window’ seat.”

35 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“I paid for the deluxe room upgrade in this 4-star hotel.”

36 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“I got a game for Christmas that didn’t even have the game. My parents paid $60 for a plastic shell.”

37 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“After 10 years of surviving brutal abuse from my clumsy ass always dropping it, my 3DS couldn’t take it anymore.”

38 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“Started work and someone spilled 10 liters of milkshake mix in the fridge and didn’t say anything.”

39 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“If someone’s missing an extra large Allen wrench, I believe I may have found it.”

40 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

41 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

"Never have children."

42 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“I dropped my curry.”

43 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)

“Sunlight through the window melted the keyboard.”

44 Bad Days Happen (44 pics)


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