Unique Canadian Terms (18 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 23 Jun, 2021  |
  • Views: 3264  |
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We don't have dollar bills, we have dollar coins (loonies) and two-dollar coins (toonies.)

1 Unique Canadian Terms (18 pics)

A coffee with two milk and two sugars. Most often ordered at Tim Horton's, but the term is so popular that anyone at any coffee shop would get what you mean.

2 Unique Canadian Terms (18 pics)

Freezies are what Americans call "Freeze Pops" or "Ice Pops."

3 Unique Canadian Terms (18 pics)

Known in the States as "Kraft Macaroni and Cheese," this delicious Canadian childhood staple is lovingly referred to as "KD" which is short for "Kraft Dinner." The phrase is so beloved that there's a long-running ad campaign for the product that uses the tagline: "Gotta be KD!"

4 Unique Canadian Terms (18 pics)

In Canada we call large indoor parking garages (or car parks) parkades.

5 Unique Canadian Terms (18 pics)

Otherwise known as a Utility Bill or Electric Bill in other parts of the world, Canadians pay their "Hydro Bills," and it's a bit of a ##tch.

6 Unique Canadian Terms (18 pics)

Americans go sledding, we go tobogganing.

7 Unique Canadian Terms (18 pics)

Timbits are probably the most popular donuts in Canada. They're the Tim Horton's equivalent to donut holes.

8 Unique Canadian Terms (18 pics)

Ah, the stereotypical Frenchness is seeping in here, isn't it. A serviette is a fancy term for napkin.

9 Unique Canadian Terms (18 pics)

A dart is a cigarette. Don't smoke, kids.

10 Unique Canadian Terms (18 pics)

Homo milk is short for homogenized milk.

11 Unique Canadian Terms (18 pics)

A knit hat or beanie is most often referred to as a toque.

12 Unique Canadian Terms (18 pics)

A keener is a brown-noser.

13 Unique Canadian Terms (18 pics)

A mickey is a 13-ounce (give or take) bottle of liquor.

14 Unique Canadian Terms (18 pics)

A 24 pack of beer.

15 Unique Canadian Terms (18 pics)

To leave or head out.

16 Unique Canadian Terms (18 pics)

This is a funny term for beer belly.

17 Unique Canadian Terms (18 pics)

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