Cute Pets (25 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 18 Jun, 2021  |
  • Views: 1880  |
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“My cat greats me every time I get in from work this way. He will run over and do a forward roll and land between my feet. He then won’t let me move for a good 5 minutes!”

1 Cute Pets (25 pics)

“Hi, let me introduce myself.”

2 Cute Pets (25 pics)

“My dog loves snow, but he doesn’t like to be away from me. We found a solution.”

3 Cute Pets (25 pics)

“Why do my cats stalk me in the shower?”

4 Cute Pets (25 pics)

“Is it wrong for my dog to prefer the comfiest place in the whole apartment?”

5 Cute Pets (25 pics)

“My cat Tuna saw me in the bathtub. This is the most expressive cat I’ve ever had.”

6 Cute Pets (25 pics)

“Hi, are you munching alone?”

7 Cute Pets (25 pics)

“This is how my cat sleeps with me.”

8 Cute Pets (25 pics)

“My neighbors’ cat has realized my mom can’t bend down to pat her anymore so she jumps up on her walker to say a quick hello when she sees her.”

9 Cute Pets (25 pics)

“After cooking all morning, I decided to treat myself to a hot bath before dinner. I never take baths and this one literally fell in the tub to save me. The worry is real. I love dogs!”

10 Cute Pets (25 pics)

“Do you really need to work today?”

11 Cute Pets (25 pics)

“I’m not sure if she loves me or the hoodie more.”

12 Cute Pets (25 pics)

“I can’t make a move without this creep watching me. (My favorite creep).”

13 Cute Pets (25 pics)

“As a fluffy white thing, I belong on this rack.”

14 Cute Pets (25 pics)

“Yep, this way, I know you can’t leave without me.”

15 Cute Pets (25 pics)

“I can’t even use the bathroom without these two following me.”

16 Cute Pets (25 pics)

“After the first day without me in months, he just wanted me to hold his paw.”

17 Cute Pets (25 pics)

“My dog will leave her comfy bed to follow me to the bathroom, push the door open if it’s not latched, and wait for me to finish.”

18 Cute Pets (25 pics)

“My boy refusing to leave me alone for even a minute, so he hid in my jacket.”

19 Cute Pets (25 pics)

“I’ve never met my neighbors, but their dog makes me pet her every evening.”

20 Cute Pets (25 pics)

“My dog is sad that he can’t hop in the shower with me because he’s wearing his sweater.”

21 Cute Pets (25 pics)

“I can’t lie down without him coming a few seconds later and using me as his pillow.”

22 Cute Pets (25 pics)

“I came home from vacation, Ares says I’m not going back without him.”

23 Cute Pets (25 pics)

"Me: Ah, a shower, some privacy."

24 Cute Pets (25 pics)

“I’m choosing to believe he loves me and isn’t rolling his eyes at his photo being taken.”

25 Cute Pets (25 pics)


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