Weird TSA's Security Preferences (20 pics)

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  • 11 Jun, 2021  |
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Harry Potter Wands: Yes
But after the Magic 8-Ball fiasco, you kind of thought it might be a no, didn't you?

1 Weird TSA's Security Preferences (20 pics)

Pool Cues: No
Pool cues are fine in a checked bag, but keep them out of your carry-on.
The TSA reiterates their concerns about flying with equipment that can be used as a bludgeon which is an important rule to remember moving forward.

2 Weird TSA's Security Preferences (20 pics)

Magic 8 Ball: No
The TSA doesn't even give an explanation for why they won't allow them, they just make a silly reference to the 8-ball and move on. Is it the liquid? Is the TSA afraid of magic? It is uncertain.

3 Weird TSA's Security Preferences (20 pics)

Remote Controlled Cars: Yes
I love the image of somebody zipping a mini corvette around the airport. Take it on one of those moving walkways and jump it up that ramp at the end.

4 Weird TSA's Security Preferences (20 pics)

Live Fish: Yes
I'm curious what the limitations are here. Are the rules on fluid ounces out the window now? Does the type of fish matter?

5 Weird TSA's Security Preferences (20 pics)

Live Lobster: Yes
I hoped you guessed yes for this one after the fish made it through. The TSA says your lobster is allowed through security, but your airline ultimately makes the final call on whether they make it on the plane.
Quick question for the lobster crowd: are you transporting these things as pets or with the intention of eating? A follow-up for either one: why?

6 Weird TSA's Security Preferences (20 pics)

Microwave: Yes
Another one that's clear through security and but is a toss-up if you can actually get it on the plane with you as a carry-on.
I love the idea of using a microwave as a bag for your belongings. My only hope is that somebody plugs it in while waiting at the terminal to whip up a bag of popcorn.

7 Weird TSA's Security Preferences (20 pics)

Bowling Ball: Yes
I'm a bit surprised by this one. Bowling balls can be pretty heavy? Seems like an object capable of some serious damage (especially after I've had a couple of beers and mozzarella sticks at the local bowling alley).

8 Weird TSA's Security Preferences (20 pics)

Bowling Pins: No
Sorry fellas, you're going to need to keep those pins in your checked bag and set up your DIY bowling game after you land.
Why the ball and not the pins? Is it because the pins are easier to throw? I bet it's because the pins are easier to throw.

9 Weird TSA's Security Preferences (20 pics)

Antlers: Yes
Deer use their antlers for natural protection against predators. You know, wolves, mountain lions, coyotes, bears, etc.
Don't worry about that though, you and your boys can bring all the antlers your travel-sized deer bag can handle.

10 Weird TSA's Security Preferences (20 pics)

Artificial Skeleton Bones: Yes
Do you think people ever try and fly with real skeleton bones by passing them off as artificial skeleton bones?
Unless your name is Bill Nye, I see no reason for you to travel with artificial bones.

11 Weird TSA's Security Preferences (20 pics)

Light Sabers: Yes
"Sadly, the technology doesn't currently exist to create a real lightsaber. However, you can pack a toy lightsaber in your carry-on or checked bag. May the force be with you," says the TSA website.
It's rare that I dislike a Star Wars reference, but I guess that's the special power of the wonderful TSA employees.

12 Weird TSA's Security Preferences (20 pics)

Recreational Oxygen: No
The last time I flew the airport had oxygen after security and on the actual flight. It was insane. I had so much air, it really felt like the plane was in the clouds.

13 Weird TSA's Security Preferences (20 pics)

Samsung Galaxy Note7: No
But we all knew that, right?
This is real! Some big government agencies decided the Note7 was not safe to fly in any capacity and placed an emergency ban on the device.

14 Weird TSA's Security Preferences (20 pics)

Tattoo Guns and Inks: Yes
The ink has to follow that 3.4oz guideline, but so long as you can do that you're perfectly welcome to start inking up passengers as they wait at their gate.
"Yeah that's right, '##ck Delta Airlines' just above the knee.”

15 Weird TSA's Security Preferences (20 pics)

Tortilla Press: Yes
Another baller move. Show up to the airport a couple of hours early and just sling Mexican food until you take off. Those airline tickets pay for themselves, baby.

16 Weird TSA's Security Preferences (20 pics)

Foam Toy Sword: No
I'd hate to be the agent who took down the child with the toy sword thinking the airport was in danger — forever haunted by what he thought he saw. Never able to return to a Medieval Times again.

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English Christmas Crackers: No
This one should be obvious. Those things taste like ##it.

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Bear Spray: No
Makes sense, but if you're ever flying out of an Alaskan airport I send my condolences. Maybe bring some antlers.

19 Weird TSA's Security Preferences (20 pics)

Juice for Babies: Yes
I'd like to think people regularly complain about not being able to bring their juice on planes and that TSA agents force them into admitting they're babies in order to travel with it.
"Do it, say you're a baby who drinks baby juice."
"Yeah, man. If you want your juice so bad why don't you just admit you're a baby?"

20 Weird TSA's Security Preferences (20 pics)

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