Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 10 Jun, 2021  |
  • Views: 3553  |
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This sculpture of Jesus at abandoned cemetery in Poland gets slowly absorbed by a tree.

1 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

One of the oldest 'Beware of Dog' signs in the world. Found in Pompeii Ruins, Italy.

2 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

This piece of wall that got rounded by the sea.

3 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

100 years ago, someone lost their coin person.

4 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

Berlin wall: graffiti spray paint layers on a broken piece.

5 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

Cubic crystals growing in old Play-Doh.

6 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

My rotting Goomba pumpkin looks more like Goomba now than it did when it was freshly carved.

7 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

The uneven wear on the penis of this human statue due to people stroking it over the years shows that humans can’t resist stroking ###ises.

8 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

My dog's Nerf Frisbee. Still their favorite.

9 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

This old copper crayon turned green.

10 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

This display in Ashmolean Museum shows how touching artwork affects material.

11 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

Years of boops have taken their toll on Odin's nose.

12 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

An office computer mouse that's been clicked to a mirror finish.

13 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

The colors of this Bronze Cristiano Ronaldo statue is fading where people touch it the most.

14 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

They served me well for 6 years, but it was time to replace them.

15 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

My grandfathers Liberty Dollar he carried for 50+ years because "a man's always gotta have a dollar in his pocket". Took a few attempts to get it, but you can still make out Lady Liberty.

16 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

"Biodegradable" cups that were buried in a composter for 15 years. Everything else turned to dirt except these.

17 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

My ID left an impression of my ID pic on my badge holder.

18 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

Mom surprised me with the brand new version of my 27 year old childhood stuffed animal.

19 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

This perfect semicircular mark in the garden is made by a dog that has followed this path for years.

20 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

This deteriorating combination lock I found at the beach.

21 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

This tree consumes Children... signs.

22 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

A coin taped in my father's baby book stayed clean under the tape only.

23 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

My mask filters after one day firefighting.

24 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

My sister has kept the same koosh ball chain on her keys since the early 90s. What it is meant to look like VS what it actually looks like now in 2020.

25 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

The boarder of my tattoo turned into a stretch mark during my first pregnancy, now it looks 3D.

26 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

The way this tree grew over the railing.

27 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

I'm a mailman and i walk around 11 miles a day. My old boots are from mid march.

28 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

An Old Well in a Village in Permet. It must have taken a long time for the grooves to appear.

29 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

Over the years Shaggy has slowly turned grey on my Scooby-Doo mug.

30 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

When 900 years old, look as good, you will not.

31 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

Years of paint build up I chipped of an old trestle at work.

32 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)

Holes worn into a tree by Shaolin Monks over centuries of pressing their fingers into the bark to train their finger strength.

33 Time Changes Everything (36 pics)


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№1 Author: wuggerhumphden (10 Jun 2021 08:14) Total user comments: 170

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#8 Penis is written in the clear but penises is blanked out. Make your mind up

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