Manufacture Fails (18 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 8 Jun, 2021  |
  • Views: 3033  |
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“This completely flat spoon I was given to eat my soup with.”

1 Manufacture Fails (18 pics)

“Is this muesli or bird food? It’s not enough anyway.”

2 Manufacture Fails (18 pics)

“This is my stove. The 2 largest burners are positioned too close to the front edge and too close together, making it impossible to use 2 large pots at the same time.”

3 Manufacture Fails (18 pics)

“The cake I ordered vs the cake I received — Happy Mother’s Day!”

4 Manufacture Fails (18 pics)

“I thought I ordered a blanket. I can’t stop laughing, it looks so funny on my bed!”

5 Manufacture Fails (18 pics)

6 Manufacture Fails (18 pics)

7 Manufacture Fails (18 pics)

"This Starbucks cup’s “design” just makes the cup look dirty. The one on the right is with water."

8 Manufacture Fails (18 pics)

“Yeah, you’d better have a good sense of humor.”

9 Manufacture Fails (18 pics)

“Bought a frozen pizza at the discount store.”

10 Manufacture Fails (18 pics)

“This symmetrical pump head made me laugh.”

11 Manufacture Fails (18 pics)

"This bowl looks like it’s perpetually dirty."

12 Manufacture Fails (18 pics)

"This bottle has the ingredients list in the same color as the liquid inside."

13 Manufacture Fails (18 pics)

“Bought this bag online because of the cool front pocket, or rather, fake pocket.”

14 Manufacture Fails (18 pics)

“This grass cutter that I recently purchased online has the cutest short cable I’ve ever seen!”

15 Manufacture Fails (18 pics)

“And I thought the engineers wouldn’t surprise me...”

16 Manufacture Fails (18 pics)

"T-shirt hems that fold with no mercy."

17 Manufacture Fails (18 pics)

“My girlfriend got this jacket because it has pockets...”

18 Manufacture Fails (18 pics)


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