Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 7 Jun, 2021  |
  • Views: 4372  |
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1 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Been married 2 weeks, rings got stolen from my apt last night along with husbands wallet and sunglasses. People suck."

2 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Yep. That is your drawer now. Wolf spider is harmless but he mentally kicking my @ss."

3 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"My mom tried out VR for the first time and face dove into the TV within 5 minutes playing Job simulator."

4 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"It took me 2 hours to get together my father’s 450 calendars collection all together, and my cat decided to lay on top of them."

5 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)


6 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"So our wedding venue burnt down today."

7 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

8 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"I got stuck behind a draw bridge today... and so did an ambulance."

9 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"I'm 5'5″ with size 15 feet which means I'm in the perfect goldilocks zone of ####ery where most clothes are too big for me and most shoes are too small."

10 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Cars after freezing rain in Vladivostok, Russia."

11 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Making brownies didn't go as planned."

12 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

13 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

It got very windy out of nowhere today.

14 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"I dropped a pot through my parents' stove top while putting dishes away."

15 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"A random plastic water bottle hit the windshield of my car last night on the highway while I was doing Lyft rides."

16 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Brewed my morning coffee with my mug upside down."

17 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

Truck got stuck under an underpass and caused big traffic jam to get on the highway (memorial day weekend).

18 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Amazon sent me a used Beats headphone that someone swapped and returned."

19 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Found this added ingredient in the omelette I ordered. I pulled it out of my mouth."

20 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Accidentally knocked a candle off of my counter. It looks like a murder scene."

21 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Whole Foods Prime delivery for my mom's birthday."

22 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Turned the TV on after a 12 hour night at work."

23 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Dropped my ice cream right after i bought it..."

24 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

№1 Author: Iguana (7 Jun 2021 19:20) Total user comments: 361

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