Human Body Facts (45 pics)

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  • 2 Jun, 2021  |
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Only 12% of people have tetrachromacy - the ability to see a lot more colors than the majority of people. They can see about 10 times as many shades and colors as someone with normal vision.

1 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

25% of people sneeze when they're exposed to direct sunlight. It's called the photic sneeze reflex.

2 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

30% of people can flare their nostrils on command. However that muscle has very little use and is usually weak, so a lot of people can't do it on command.

3 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

Less than 1% of people can hear colors or see sounds (synesthesia).

4 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

9% of people can taste the soap taste in cilantro. Cilantro contains the chemical that is also a byproduct of soapmaking.

5 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

2% of people naturally have red hair. In order to have a child with this hair color, both parents need to possess the gene, and while redheads make up a tiny part of the population, one study found that 30% of ads have people with red hair in them.

6 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

Less than 1% of people have this small little hole right on their ear. Some evolutionary biologists claim this used to be a gill on humans.

7 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

10% of people have something called Morton's toe. It's when your big toe is shorter than the one next to it. The Statue of Liberty actually has a Morton's toe as well.

8 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

5% of people have amber eyes - golden or coppery with flakes of gold, green or brown. Amber eyes are very common in dogs, bird and fish.

9 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

24% of people can raise one eyebrow, however you can learn to do this as well.

10 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

Only 33% of people can whistle. Almost everyone has the ability to whistle, it just takes the right techniques.

11 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

4% of people have Raynaud's syndrome. This is when a part of your body, usually your fingers or toes, starts to turn white when exposed to low temperatures. It's your body's overreaction to cold or distress.

12 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

Only 1% of people are ambidextrous - they have no preference for the use of right or left hand.

13 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

1% of people need less sleep than the rest of us. These people have Sleeper Syndrome which allows them to go through a sleep cycle faster than an average person.

14 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

83.7% of people can roll their tongue, but only 14.7% of people can make a clover out of their tongue.

15 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

35% of people have no wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth used to serve a purpose but now they no longer do, which is why we take them out so they don't get infected while they're pushing through your gums. If you don't have wisdom teeth, I'm jealous of you.

16 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

16% of people can make a roaring noise in their head using their jaw. They're able to do this because they can control a small muscle in their jaw that deafens chewing, but when it is flexed it makes a roaring noise.

17 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

Less than 1% of people are born with a white patch of hair. It is called poliosis, which is caused by the lack of pigment called melanin in the hair follicles.

18 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

Less than 1% of people in the US have AB-Negative blood. There's also something called Golden blood, which only about 40 people in the world have, and it's completely different than any other blood.

19 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

20% of people have a gap between their two front teeth. What normally causes this is a discrepancy between the jaw size and the teeth. A lot of celebrities have this and don't correct it because they think it makes them unique.

20 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

Only 25% of people have dimples. You can have either two, or just one. Dimples are also hereditary, so if either of your parents has a dimple, it's more likely you'll have one as well.

21 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

Only 5% of people have arched fingerprints. Most people have looped and whorled fingerprints.

22 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

Only 10% of people have Darwin's tubercle - the little bump on the outside of your ear. It's believed that people who have this are better at sensing voice tonality.

23 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

Only 2% of people naturally have blonde hair. If you narrow it down just to white people in the United States, that percentage goes up to 5%.

24 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

Less than 1% of people have pointy or elf-like ears. It's an abnormality called Stahl's ear, it's usually corrected early in life.

25 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

1% of people have a double row of eyelashes. While this might look like something a lot of you are jealous of, it actually can cause a lot of problems.

26 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

70% of people bend their head to the right when kissing. Your brain is the cause for this. The left side of our face shows more emotion so we want to give our partner the more emotive side and we tilt our head to the right.

27 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

Only 10% of people have birthmarks. They're usually oval in shape and come in a coffee type color.

28 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

25% of people have perfect teeth and never need braces or any orthodontics. 45% of children need braces, but 75% need orthodontic care.

29 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

Only 35% of people have 20/20 vision. 2/3 people cannot see perfectly.

30 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

14% of people don't have this muscle - Palmaris Longus. This muscle was developed when our ancestors were big tree climbers. If you want to see if you still have it, pull back your palm on a flat surface, touch your pinky and thumb together and slightly lift them and you should see that ligament pop out.

31 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

6% of people can vibrate and rapidly shake their eyeballs back and forth.

32 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

10% of people can touch their nose with their tongues. In medicine, this is called the Gorlin sign.

33 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

20% of people are double jointed. This is thought to be genetic and due to a variation in collagen in your connective tissues.

34 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

Less than 1% of people can give themselves goosebumps on command. The majority of people get them when they're cold or listening to music, but some can give themselves goosebumps whenever they want to.

35 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

4% of people are colorblind. Color blindness occurs in 8% of men and 0.5% of women.

36 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

10% of people are left handed. Left handed people tend to live shorter lives.

37 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

5% of people have a double hair whorl.

38 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

8% of people still have chimp-like feet, that are specifically adapted to climbing trees. This is characterized by a mid-foot arch. If you want to check if you have this, see if you can bend the ball of your foot as well as the region half-way between your heel and the ball of your foot.

39 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

8.4% of people have a counterclockwise hair whorl on their head, while the majority has a clockwise one.

40 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

Only 1% of the population can lick their elbow. The people that can do this usually have either a long tongue or a short forearm, or both.

41 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

Only 12% of people dream in black and white.

42 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

About 20% of people have a pupil that is bigger than the other. This is called anisocoria, it can be a very small, or a very big difference.

43 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

Only 4% of people have an outie belly button. Believe it or not, doctors can't choose if you'll have an innie or an outie belly button, things like the belly button itself and the fat beneath it determine what it will look like.

44 Human Body Facts (45 pics)

25% of the population snores regularly.

45 Human Body Facts (45 pics)


№1 Author: OldOllie (2 Jun 2021 06:52) Total user comments: 2136

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#45 I believe this picture shows an example of "hitchhiker's thumb," or distal hyperextensibility

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