"I loved the series finale of The Middle. Axl actually growing into a responsible adult and moving away. Plus Frankie’s narration about how their lives just carried on as usual over the years and we saw that Sue married Sean, Brick became a famous author, and Axl had 3 boys exactly like he was as a kid. “We never won the lottery, we never fixed the washing machine, we never got new wallpaper, we never patched the hole in the wall. But for all the things we did have, we were very lucky.” Or something along those lines. I also LOVED when the 3 kids fell asleep in the car together the night before Axl left for Denver."
"Frasier. One of the only sitcoms that had a great ending, a finale that's just as funny as any of the other high points of the show, but manages to wrap up the story in Seattle in a satisfying way."
"Breaking bad."
"Futurama. That show had like 5 different endings, but the actual last episode was sad, but heartwarming."
"Star Trek: The Next Generation. It ended with such warmth, friendship, and optimism. 'The sky's the limit.'"
"Six Feet Under. At least, I liked it. It can hit pretty hard."
"Clone Wars. The last few episodes of S7 were incredible. To say it was worth the wait would be an understatement."
"Scrubs. We don't count season 9."
"Blackadder. That final episode is terribly sad, but perfect."
"BoJack Horseman was solid from start to finish."
"The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air."
"Mad Men, you get the satisfaction of seeing every main character go on and do their own thing. People thought the end where Don smirks after “finding peace” was corny, but it’s clearly him finding the seed for another ad idea (I’d like to buy the world a coke) that became one of the most iconic ads of all time… Dude. Best show ever. "
"Community. I feel like Seasons 5 and 6 stumbled a bit, but the S6 finale was a fitting goodbye for the show."
"Last Airbender."
"The Americans really stuck the landing."
"Mr. Robot. Perfect ending."
"MASH. Very few have managed an ending as good as that."