People Share Old Things Found In Their Houses (16 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 21 May, 2021  |
  • Views: 4519  |
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“This old stamp I found renovating my house from the ’50s”

1 People Share Old Things Found In Their Houses (16 pics)

“My dad is renovating his bathroom and found a dress in a walled-off secret closet. It’s handmade from the sixties! The house was built in 1965. I tried it on and then put it back in the wall.”

2 People Share Old Things Found In Their Houses (16 pics)

“I found an old newspaper from 1934 under the floorboards of my London house.”

3 People Share Old Things Found In Their Houses (16 pics)

“I was renovating my house and found a coke can from when the house was built, in 1997”

4 People Share Old Things Found In Their Houses (16 pics)

“I found this in a kitchen drawer in my new home.”

5 People Share Old Things Found In Their Houses (16 pics)

“It appears to be some kind of spoon with some kind of sticks sticking out of the handle. It’s about the length of a typical wooden spoon you would find in the kitchen. It has no markings of any kind on it.”

“LOL, today I cleaned my home and found these old coins.”

6 People Share Old Things Found In Their Houses (16 pics)

“This retro wallpaper I uncovered while renovating my house.”

7 People Share Old Things Found In Their Houses (16 pics)

“Clothing brochures. Found inside the floor when renovating my house.”

8 People Share Old Things Found In Their Houses (16 pics)

“I’m renovating my house and found a little treasure!”

9 People Share Old Things Found In Their Houses (16 pics)

“Renovating my 101-year-old house and found this behind the drywall.”

10 People Share Old Things Found In Their Houses (16 pics)

“I’ve been renovating and I found these very old paintings rolled up in a corner. The house is about 100 years old.”

11 People Share Old Things Found In Their Houses (16 pics)

“Found while renovating my house. Good luck charm?”

12 People Share Old Things Found In Their Houses (16 pics)

“A vogue stitch machine from the 1950s!”

13 People Share Old Things Found In Their Houses (16 pics)

“My family moved into a 1950s house last January. The previous owner left a bunch of stuff in the sunroom attached to the garage. We’re finally cleaning it out and we found treasure! A vogue stitch machine from the 1950s! It weighs about 5,000 pounds.”

“Found this in an old house my mom recently bought. I didn’t even know it existed.”

14 People Share Old Things Found In Their Houses (16 pics)

“Found an old Monopoly set in the walls of my 1925 house”

15 People Share Old Things Found In Their Houses (16 pics)

“Stripping out our garage for a remodel and found this inside the walls. Expiration date reads 04/18/84 on the bottom.”

16 People Share Old Things Found In Their Houses (16 pics)


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