Awesome Things (26 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 18 May, 2021  |
  • Views: 3858  |
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"The hotel reception is below the swimming pool."

1 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"These two UK phone booths have been repurposed."

2 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"I ordered a 119 year-old book online and quite a few pages are uncut- meaning no one ever read it."

3 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"Biggest pizza that can be ordered in US!"

4 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"Found An Ancient Ruin On A Hike."

5 Awesome Things (26 pics)

There's a dog toy within the dog toy!

6 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"This Nike that we found while hiking."

7 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"The classic red checkered pattern of the tablecloth of this restaurant is made of QR codes for their menu."

8 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"Getting the kitchen floor redone; here’s apparently all the floors since the house was built in 1880."

9 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"The cutlet i bought has the shape of Australia."

10 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"Coffee stain that looks like Earth."

11 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"My girlfriend’s office used to be a bowling alley. The original lanes are still there."

12 Awesome Things (26 pics)

This Kit-Kat Chunky was pure chocolate goodness. Some would hate this, but god if this ever happened to me I'd bust a nut.

13 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"A customer mailed this tube with a tongue depressor attached to it to prevent it from rolling around."

14 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"My blinds reflection looks like lunar phases on my wall."

15 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"There is a live crayfish defending the rice aisle in my local Asian market!"

16 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"This extra large bean I grew."

17 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"The middle snap on my baby's onesie is a different color to help align the buttons."

18 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"My 11 y/o daughter made the Seinfeld cast out of Perla beads for my wife for mother's day."

19 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"This shell cutter at a restaurant has a message for people who steal it."

20 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"My Spanish sneakers have a map of Barcelona on the sole."

21 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"In the process of demoing the bathroom of our newly-bought house and this message was behind the mirror."

22 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"Got a deep space telescope for my 38th birthday. Me for size!"

23 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"I was eating a bag of Swedish fish and got a sour patch kid with no sugar."

24 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"This crane has giraffe print."

25 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"I have a Batman Returns balloon that hasn't fully deflated since it was bought in 1992."

26 Awesome Things (26 pics)

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