Human Body Wonders (17 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 11 May, 2021  |
  • Views: 5684  |
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There is approximately 1 kg (2.2 lbs) of bacteria in your gut right now. In fact, there are more bacteria growing in and on your body than there are human cells.

1 Human Body Wonders (17 pics)

Your lungs take in approximately 7 liters (13 pints) of air every minute.

2 Human Body Wonders (17 pics)

The human heart pumps so strongly that it can shoot blood up to 30 feet away. The blood in your body travels 12,000 miles every day.

3 Human Body Wonders (17 pics)

Humans have more facial muscles than any other creature on earth- 22 on each side.

4 Human Body Wonders (17 pics)

The human hand contains three main nerves, two major arteries, and 27 bones. More of the body is devoted to controlling the hands than any other part of the body.

5 Human Body Wonders (17 pics)

When we go to sleep and enter REM (Rapid Eye Movement) our bodies become completely paralyzed as areas of the brain that control movement are de-activated. This stops ups from acting out our dreams.

6 Human Body Wonders (17 pics)

There are 137 million light sensitive cells in the eye’s retina and the fluid that fills the eye is changed 15 times a day.

7 Human Body Wonders (17 pics)

Because they move when you breathe, your ribs move approximately 5,000,000 times a year.

8 Human Body Wonders (17 pics)

The human body has 230 movable and semi-movable joints.

9 Human Body Wonders (17 pics)

There are over 100 billion nerve cells in your brain.

10 Human Body Wonders (17 pics)

In just one square inch of skin there are four yards of nerve fibers and 13,000 nerve cells.

11 Human Body Wonders (17 pics)

There are about 13,500,000 neurons in your spinal chord.

12 Human Body Wonders (17 pics)

Your liver performs over 500 vital functions.

13 Human Body Wonders (17 pics)

When you’re cold, your body shivers in an attempt to warm itself up.

14 Human Body Wonders (17 pics)

Humans can distinguish between 4,000 and 10,000 smells.

15 Human Body Wonders (17 pics)

A drop of blood contains approximately 250,000 cells.

16 Human Body Wonders (17 pics)

The average adult brain weighs 1375 grams.

17 Human Body Wonders (17 pics)

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