Great Life Hacks (24 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 11 May, 2021  |
  • Views: 3430  |
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Charlie got his balls snipped today and he hated the cone but is VERY okay with this plate instead. Here he is, purring.

1 Great Life Hacks (24 pics)

Use a medication syringe to measure honey for baking recipes.

2 Great Life Hacks (24 pics)

Put pasta sauce in a strainer to remove water to make pizza sauce.

3 Great Life Hacks (24 pics)

If you live in the US, you can use,, and to opt out of most junk mail, spam email, and spam calls.

4 Great Life Hacks (24 pics)

If you find that your eggs are sticking to your lightly oiled pan, instead of adding more oil, try waiting for your pan to cool down before trying to remove the eggs. You can make the unsticking process go faster by cooling your pan down on a damp kitchen towel, but this may not be good for your pan.

5 Great Life Hacks (24 pics)

Tape a headband to your graduation cap to keep it in place. Lots of people have been finding this helpful.

6 Great Life Hacks (24 pics)

Have a velcro spot to prevent losing the remote.

7 Great Life Hacks (24 pics)

Using a beater or mixer is the best way to shred chicken. My roommates think I’m an idiot, but it takes 10 seconds.

8 Great Life Hacks (24 pics)

If you are messing with fiberglass insulation and get fiberglass all over yourself. Don’t use water, use a lint roller and it will pull the fiberglass out and off of your skin. Just roll where the fiberglass. Then proceed to shower.

9 Great Life Hacks (24 pics)

A customer mailed this tube with a tongue depressor attached to it to prevent it from rolling around.

10 Great Life Hacks (24 pics)

I don’t know who needs to see this but I keep empty paper towel/toilet paper packaging as intact as possible and use them for a garbage bag.

11 Great Life Hacks (24 pics)

Foil knives are rubbish, use a vegetable peeler to remove foil from a wine bottle quickly.

12 Great Life Hacks (24 pics)

Rip up junk mail and send it back with the included business reply envelope. The business gets charged per returned mail piece.

13 Great Life Hacks (24 pics)

You only need a pizza saver and a knife.

14 Great Life Hacks (24 pics)

After popping microwave popcorn, separate the opening of the bag just enough for the unpopped kernels to fall out. Shake upside down over the trash can.

15 Great Life Hacks (24 pics)

Driver parks compact at the front of the parking space to avoid making people think it’s an empty space.

16 Great Life Hacks (24 pics)

When you don’t have a Corkscrew.

17 Great Life Hacks (24 pics)

Keep a 20 in your phone case for emergencies or exceptional customer service.

18 Great Life Hacks (24 pics)

I cut open my disposable masks and take-off the twisted ties. They are stronger and longer than the average ones + it makes them easier to recycle.

19 Great Life Hacks (24 pics)

Those springy hair ties break on you often? Don’t throw it away; they make amazing cable management ties complete with grip!

20 Great Life Hacks (24 pics)

21 Great Life Hacks (24 pics)

Use an old cupcake tray to organize your nuts and bolts when dismantling something (in my case, my car’s bumper).

22 Great Life Hacks (24 pics)

Sort your cutlery as you load the dishwasher to make unloading so much easier!

23 Great Life Hacks (24 pics)

Some vacuums have a slot for scissors to cut out hair etc.

24 Great Life Hacks (24 pics)


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