Awesome Things (40 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 7 May, 2021  |
  • Views: 3869  |
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“I like to make little drawings of people that I see.”

1 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“This crane has giraffe print.”

2 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“I have a Batman Returns balloon that hasn't fully deflated since it was bought in 1992.”

3 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“A customer mailed this tube with a tongue depressor attached to it to prevent it from rolling around.”

4 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“This piece of wall that got rounded by the sea.”

5 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“My son was born with a black spot of hair in his blonde hair. It grows in black, and there is no birth mark or discoloration under it.”

6 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“My dog fell asleep in the rain and the “shadow” looks like a cartoon dog.”

7 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“My gf and my nephew have a very similar birthmark despite they aren’t related at all.”

8 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“I bought an electric hobby drill for my plastic models which turned out to be a plastic model itself.”

9 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“This rotten tree fell exactly onto the top of the trail sign and drove it about 2' into the ground like a nail before bouncing and smashing a bench.”

10 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“I found this rock on a beach...with a hole in it...with a star inside the hole!”

11 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“This sorbet comes in fruit rinds for cups.”

12 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“One of the eggs I bought was all wrinkly.”

13 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“Stopped for gas and there was nothing but Amazon trucks.”

14 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“I got my recently passed grandfather's personal contact book from the 70's - and Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin are in it.”

15 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“My phone took this photo when it fell on my face.”

16 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“Bought bathroom scales and my weight is exactly the same as on the box.”

17 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“My rhododendron looks like it's trying to run off.”

18 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“This is me wearing my great grandmothers traditional Finnish dress from 1936.”

19 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“My dad is using a piece of gum as an air freshener.”

20 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“Found this $29,000 amethyst throne today.”

21 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“My plant looks like a leaf.”

22 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“Shadow keeping the snow alive.”

23 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“I folded a dragon out of my McDonald's cheeseburger wrapper.”

24 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“Helpful spider provided rigging for this model ship.”

25 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“I pulled the entire dandelion root out.”

26 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“Ice cream transaction at stop light.”

27 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“My Star Trek TNG Toy Phaser has an Orange Tip so Cops Don’t Think it is a Real Phaser.”

28 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“Yes I am taller than door.”

29 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“The flower on the Fiji label stays on the bottle if you peel it off.”

30 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“A river flows under my apartment.”

31 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“This authentic Lamborghini original.”

32 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“This part of the country with low-res textures.”

33 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“British section in an American Supermarket.”

34 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“This tiny avocado.”

35 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“Close up wood grain after removing bark.”

36 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“Found these car shaped trees in my town.”

37 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“The grip on the PS5 controllers are made up of the symbols on the buttons, just really small.”

38 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“Lightning highlighting a tornado - Fort Worth, TX”

39 Awesome Things (40 pics)

“Suspiciously perfect triangular cloud.”

40 Awesome Things (40 pics)


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