Bad Days Happen (19 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 7 May, 2021  |
  • Views: 2208  |
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“My husband ordered from his favorite pizza place after a long day of work and got this.”

1 Bad Days Happen (19 pics)

“I have 2 outlets in my house that don’t work. I purchased 2 new outlets to replace them. It turns out there are no wires to connect them to!”

2 Bad Days Happen (19 pics)

“We aren’t allowed to hang our own wall mount, so I had to pay $50 for the maintenance staff to do it.”

3 Bad Days Happen (19 pics)

4 Bad Days Happen (19 pics)

“They used a bucket to put up the barrier.”

5 Bad Days Happen (19 pics)

“I think my mailman loves me.”

6 Bad Days Happen (19 pics)

"It seems like a street puzzle or a new type of landscape design."

7 Bad Days Happen (19 pics)

“The outlet was installed after the cabinet, according to the cabinet installer.”

8 Bad Days Happen (19 pics)

"People should know that the government keeps all road signs up-to-date."

9 Bad Days Happen (19 pics)

“My acquaintance wanted a tattoo like in the photo on the left, but got this.”

10 Bad Days Happen (19 pics)

"They just needed to install the electricity cable."

11 Bad Days Happen (19 pics)

“I ordered extra jalapeños on the side.”

12 Bad Days Happen (19 pics)

“My friends tried to give me a Ronaldo hairstyle. What do you guys think?”

13 Bad Days Happen (19 pics)

“I ordered pizza recently. I knew that it would likely be different from the one on their website, but I was definitely not ready for this.”

14 Bad Days Happen (19 pics)

"That’ll do! Who reads these signs anyway?"

15 Bad Days Happen (19 pics)

"The door opens smoothly now."

16 Bad Days Happen (19 pics)

"Forget something?"

17 Bad Days Happen (19 pics)

"The line between designers and plumbers."

18 Bad Days Happen (19 pics)

“A friend of mine bought an apartment and hired some ‘brilliant’ workers. The manager complained that hot water ran from the cold water tap in the neighboring apartment. My friend came over and saw this engineering masterpiece.”

19 Bad Days Happen (19 pics)


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