Barbie Parts Jewelry (28 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 6 May, 2021  |
  • Views: 1186  |
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The artist in question is Margaux Lange, who claims in her Instagram bio that she's been honouring Barbie since 2001.
With a necklace made of Barbie ####ies.

1 Barbie Parts Jewelry (28 pics)

2 Barbie Parts Jewelry (28 pics)

Or this gem from the Ed Gein collection.

3 Barbie Parts Jewelry (28 pics)

And this is what she leaves behind.
All jokes aside, I'm sure that there's a lot of interest in these pieces, and she's onto something, but I'm a little skeeved out by these.
Nope. I'm a lot skeeved out. It's body parts, worn on your body. Childhood memories desecrated.

4 Barbie Parts Jewelry (28 pics)

5 Barbie Parts Jewelry (28 pics)

6 Barbie Parts Jewelry (28 pics)

A necklace of ears sounds like something from a spaghetti western that wouldn't be appropriate in today's cultural climate.

7 Barbie Parts Jewelry (28 pics)

Earrings made of Barbie's ###bs, anyone?

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Barbie fingers that just won't fing anymore?

9 Barbie Parts Jewelry (28 pics)

10 Barbie Parts Jewelry (28 pics)

This composite of Barbie faces is just unsettling.

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This is a broach that you'd pin to your butcher's apron, I suppose. Or a sweater knitted by your grandma who always seems to have a fully stocked meat freezer.

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Plastic @@@es as some sort of ring? Pin?

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It's like she's trying to escape her fate.

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I don't know what's going on here, and I don't want to know.

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21 Barbie Parts Jewelry (28 pics)

This could pass for a normal necklace, until you realize.... more ###bs.

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The corpses of her used dolls are going to cause nightmares.

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Empty faces, broken limbs.

26 Barbie Parts Jewelry (28 pics)

Good night, restful sleep and happy childhood memories!

27 Barbie Parts Jewelry (28 pics)


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