Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 27 Apr, 2021  |
  • Views: 1659  |
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My wife and I taking this rescue pup to his forever home.

1 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

Not even one year old, moved 5 times. Now he's finally at his forever home, welcome home little guy!

2 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

Our new rescue kitty watching people shovel snow outside blep!

3 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

My boyfriend & I finally adopted a puppy after dreaming about it for months. Welcome home Winston!

4 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

Meet Paisley! Her mama was a stray kitten my sister took in and adopted. Paisley is now an indoor only kitten and has found her “forever” home with me. These are pics of her at 3, 4, 5 & 6 weeks.

5 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

Just adopted this guy this morning! His name is Franklin and is 3 years old.

6 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

We welcomed William into our family yesterday!

7 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

Gretchen Says Good Morning! I adopted her a couple days ago and she’s the sweetest lil muppet in the world!

8 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

We adopted this 7 year old weiner dog two weeks ago, my 14 year old beagle mix seems to be okay with it.

9 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

I work at a shelter and told myself “if no one adopts him soon I will, but he will be gone quick.” A week went by and he was still there. And now he’s mine.

10 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

About to adopt this boy. He shall be named... Beef Supreme.

11 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

Here is the smiling blep of Odin, a rescue with one eye and a one very big heart.

12 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

Appreciation Post. Newest member of the family. Went to three homes prior to ours. Finally settled into her forever home.

13 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

The newest addition to our house! Gizmo the rescue kitten joined our family today.

14 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

I heard you guys like floppy eared babies... here is Charlie the day we adopted her.

15 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

I adopted my first cat today!!! Meet Nova!

16 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

Chopper the rescue piggy is settling in well to his forever home. Currently building him a little piggy house!

17 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

Looks like the new kitty (8mo) found her favorite spot in her forever home.

18 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

After a long journey, Kendall was so pleased to be in her forever home.

19 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

I rescued this lazy butt two weeks ago.

20 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

I adopted Scotty Kitten yesterday and we’re totally obsessed with each other.

21 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

Sweet foster that just got adopted to her forever home.

22 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

Just adopted​ a cat. Took a while for her to adapt to us. Now she's playing, with us all day long. Her name's Meak (Thai word for cloud).

23 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

I’m Ethel, I was recently rescued and my parents love me very much! We thought my cute face might make you smile.

24 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

Say hi to Beckett! 3.5 month old rescue pup!

25 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

Showing my rescue gecko his new forever home.

26 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

Happy sleepy boi we adopted a couple weeks ago.

27 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

Feeding our goats last night I saw what I thought was a black shirt in the corner. Turns out the semi feral chicken that has been hanging around apparently decided to adopt us and raise her children here.

28 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

Barfi in his forever home.

29 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

I wasn’t expecting to adopt a senior Guinea pig today but meet Rosie the 5 year old piggy!

30 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

My name is Donut and today is the first day in my new forever home!

31 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

This little guy found his forever home with me today!

32 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

Shelter dog near me from last fall. He was adopted! That lip!

33 Animal Rescue Stories (35 pics)

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