People Recreate Old Family Photos (18 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 27 Apr, 2021  |
  • Views: 1240  |
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“My parents recreated their honeymoon picture 40 years later.”

1 People Recreate Old Family Photos (18 pics)

“I recreated this photo of my grandmother from the late 1930s/early 1940s!”

2 People Recreate Old Family Photos (18 pics)

“Coconut and me, 11 years apart (ages 3 and 14 for her, and 14 and 25 for me) — best dog to grow up with!”

3 People Recreate Old Family Photos (18 pics)

“My brothers and me.”

4 People Recreate Old Family Photos (18 pics)

“Me as a boy in 1965 with a newly completed model airplane just minutes before destroying it — also me 56 years later with a surprise gift from a co-worker of an identical replica!”

5 People Recreate Old Family Photos (18 pics)

“My son and me, same outfit, 27 years apart.”

6 People Recreate Old Family Photos (18 pics)

“Sister found this old picture during a family dinner and we decided to recreate it.”

7 People Recreate Old Family Photos (18 pics)

“The family car and me, 20 years apart.”

8 People Recreate Old Family Photos (18 pics)

“My mom at age 17 in 1975, and me at age 26 — not identical, but I get why everyone says I look like her.”

9 People Recreate Old Family Photos (18 pics)

“I got photos taken of me and my 13-year-old dogs to recreate some old ones for Christmas.”

10 People Recreate Old Family Photos (18 pics)

“Me with my niece in 2012, and my sister with my daughter in 2020!”

11 People Recreate Old Family Photos (18 pics)

“Recreated my mom’s favorite photo of us for Mother’s Day.”

12 People Recreate Old Family Photos (18 pics)

“3 generations, 1 dress (grandma in 1964, mom in 1991, and me in 2017).”

13 People Recreate Old Family Photos (18 pics)

“It took a lot of searching, but my fiancé and I finally found the same spot in Central Park where my grandparents took this photo back in the ’40s.”

14 People Recreate Old Family Photos (18 pics)

“24 years in between.”

15 People Recreate Old Family Photos (18 pics)

“I found an old American Girl outfit I wore as a kid in my parents’ house this weekend. Okay, so the skirt doesn’t zip and the blouse is a belly shirt now, but still.”

16 People Recreate Old Family Photos (18 pics)

“Passing down the Baby Express to my own son.”

17 People Recreate Old Family Photos (18 pics)

“3 sisters, 37 years later — I don’t know why it took us so long to make one of these.”

18 People Recreate Old Family Photos (18 pics)


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