Amazing Libraries (19 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 27 Apr, 2021  |
  • Views: 1541  |
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"When libraries troll their patrons."

1 Amazing Libraries (19 pics)

"My university library has a wall where you can quite literally take a seat."

2 Amazing Libraries (19 pics)

"This library has noise-level devices that change color to tell you how loud you're getting."

3 Amazing Libraries (19 pics)

"My local library has vault you can go into to talk on your phone."

4 Amazing Libraries (19 pics)

"The library places the books on the lower shelves on their sides so the titles are easier to read."

5 Amazing Libraries (19 pics)

"Basement floor of my campus library has a treadmill with a computer, so you can exercise & study at the same time."

6 Amazing Libraries (19 pics)

"At my library you can pick up bags of books in a certain genre without knowing what those books are."

7 Amazing Libraries (19 pics)

"This sign at my University with the number for the library police."

8 Amazing Libraries (19 pics)

"These little dots on the stair rail of our library that indicates which floor you reached walking up the stairs."

9 Amazing Libraries (19 pics)

"This train station has a library book vending machine."

10 Amazing Libraries (19 pics)

"This library has a directory for topics people might be embarrassed to ask for."

11 Amazing Libraries (19 pics)

"My library gives out earplugs on the silent floor."

12 Amazing Libraries (19 pics)

"My library loans out themed "Binge Boxes""

13 Amazing Libraries (19 pics)

"This subway car in Seoul has a mini library."

14 Amazing Libraries (19 pics)

"My library receipt shows how much money I've saved."

15 Amazing Libraries (19 pics)

"Had a volunteer help me make these stools out of our discarded books for new library seating."

16 Amazing Libraries (19 pics)

"At this library in Philadelphia you can rent cake pans."

17 Amazing Libraries (19 pics)

"Library has "Recently Returned" section so you can see what other people have been reading."

18 Amazing Libraries (19 pics)

"My local library has bee hive in the kids section, with a tube that leads to the outside."

19 Amazing Libraries (19 pics)


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