Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 26 Mar, 2021  |
  • Views: 4432  |
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“This bush looks like a monster!!”

1 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“Got this abnormally thick Dorito in an otherwise normal packet.”

2 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“After my waitress sat down my ice water and walked away, my glass split cleanly in half.”

3 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“Koala cuddle guide in Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, Australia.”

4 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“Only the left handle of the door has scratches because of wedding rings.”

5 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“Wood Splinters that look like a City.”

6 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“Was washing my plate and the whole bottom broke off.”

7 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“My debit card blends into this old cabinet.”

8 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“My grandma's 60+ year old wooden spoon that she still uses all the time.”

9 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“This car with a tiny little spoiler.”

10 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“Had a rainy night, this morning I saw a worm playing snake.”

11 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“Old serving dish looks like the google chrome icon.”

12 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“Amazon has reflective panels in the top of their lockers so you don't have to jump around like a maniac to make sure you got all your stuff.”

13 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“Some mornings we get a pinhole camera effect projected on the ceiling through the gap in our blackout curtains, showing the street opposite our window.”

14 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“There were (literally) whole grains in my son’s Cheerios.”

15 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“The local blood bank have these signs to show how much blood they have.”

16 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“When I got my COVID vaccine, they gave me some candy in a pill package.”

17 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“I'm redoing my kitchen and the old owners put a wall over an exterior door.”

18 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“All white cars behind me (very mild).”

19 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“Bubbly clouds”

20 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“This 129 Year Old Penny Came Out of a Roll Today.”

21 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“This Subway has a subway underneath it.”

22 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“Australian flood waters meet the ocean.”

23 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“My mom and uncle found a USAF target drone on the beach.”

24 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“My lawn made a natural yin yang symbol after a pool stood there.”

25 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“Finishing pens without losing them.”

26 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“As I do not have a surname, bank decided to give me one.”

27 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“A reminder for parents to not be @$$holes.”

28 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“Found a hot tub and steam room behind a basement wall.”

29 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“My dog had a paw print on his paw.”

30 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“I made a Serotonin Molecule Shelf.”

31 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“I am a mail carrier. These are the pennies I've picked up on my route in the past six months.”

32 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“Our scanner at work looks like a Xenomorph.”

33 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“The pattern of bite marks on my dog’s frisbee after thousands of fetches.”

34 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“This deflated balloon that looks like Mozart.”

35 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“These ceiling fan pull chains so you know what chain controls what.”

36 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“This huge basket-shaped building.”

37 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“The walls in this old coffeehouse have shadows where people used to sit.”

38 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)

“Arrowhead found today.”

39 Interesting Pictures (39 pics)


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