Airports Situations (29 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 25 Mar, 2021  |
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This guy at my airport gate...

1 Airports Situations (29 pics)

Airport has gotten out of control.

2 Airports Situations (29 pics)

My coworker saw this at Dallas-Ft Worth airport. Passenger was stuck.

3 Airports Situations (29 pics)

What I see on the news while boarding my flight today...

4 Airports Situations (29 pics)

My friend just sent me this pic of someone’s support animal from the airport...

5 Airports Situations (29 pics)

Manchester’s airport pub is furnished with plane parts.

6 Airports Situations (29 pics)

Just saw at the airport.

7 Airports Situations (29 pics)

This corn plane in the Atlanta airport.

8 Airports Situations (29 pics)

Melbourne International Airport 2:30 am. This guy. Eating a bag of McCains frozen vegetables.

9 Airports Situations (29 pics)

This realistic bronze statue at the airport.

10 Airports Situations (29 pics)

The ‘slippery when wet’ signs in CVG airport are bananas!

11 Airports Situations (29 pics)

They just finished upgrading a terminal at our country's airport, and these are the urinals in the new toilets.

12 Airports Situations (29 pics)

The Kona airport gates are all outdoors.

13 Airports Situations (29 pics)

Incheon International Airport.

14 Airports Situations (29 pics)

My dad bumped into his Dadppelgänger at the airport in Newark.

15 Airports Situations (29 pics)

The drains for the sinks in the Minneapolis airport are airplanes.

16 Airports Situations (29 pics)

This dog watched me poop at the airport...

17 Airports Situations (29 pics)

Saw this guy on the Airport playing Age of Empires on his knee! Boss.

18 Airports Situations (29 pics)

Someone checked in a stick at the airport...

19 Airports Situations (29 pics)

Seen at Adelaide Airport.

20 Airports Situations (29 pics)

Dude going through airport security had 2 pizzas as carry ons.

21 Airports Situations (29 pics)

This airport restroom has four different hand dryers.

22 Airports Situations (29 pics)

This airport has a vending machine for books because it’s too small to have a store.

23 Airports Situations (29 pics)

These helpful robots that wander Incheon Airport, Seoul, that you can use to check flight information.

24 Airports Situations (29 pics)

My gate at a Florida airport.

25 Airports Situations (29 pics)

Charleston Airport has toilets straight out of Spaceballs.

26 Airports Situations (29 pics)

I heard what I thought was a wheezy child screaming behind me at the airport.

27 Airports Situations (29 pics)

These are literally sold at Olbia airport.

28 Airports Situations (29 pics)

When someone takes "sleeping at the airport" to a whole new level.

29 Airports Situations (29 pics)


№1 Author: wuggerhumphden (25 Mar 2021 10:00) Total user comments: 170

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#28 pointless use of "literally"

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