Weird Things (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 12 Mar, 2021  |
  • Views: 6877  |
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“From an antique shop in San Francisco.”

1 Weird Things (20 pics)

“A car covered completely in 5-cent coins.”

2 Weird Things (20 pics)

“This loooong Furby someone at my work made. It even has a ‘spine’ in it so it can sit up and stare at you. Always watching, always waiting...”

3 Weird Things (20 pics)

“This mailbox in my neighborhood.”

4 Weird Things (20 pics)

“These cowboy boot ice skates.”

5 Weird Things (20 pics)

“My cousin made this coaster out of a broken iPhone charger.”

6 Weird Things (20 pics)

"If you’ve played with a spinner, you will automatically understand the picture."

7 Weird Things (20 pics)

“A sock for your avocado to speed up the ripening process.”

8 Weird Things (20 pics)

"Increasingly stylish but painful..."

9 Weird Things (20 pics)

“This restaurant’s bathroom floor just isn’t doing it for me.”

10 Weird Things (20 pics)

"A mailbox from another planet."

11 Weird Things (20 pics)

"Is it a cat or a rabbit?"

12 Weird Things (20 pics)

“Found these at a thrift store!”

13 Weird Things (20 pics)

“A $350 lamp I found.”

14 Weird Things (20 pics)

"For those who want more of a sporty style."

15 Weird Things (20 pics)

“Unsure if these are comically great or horrendously absurd, but they’re mine now.”

16 Weird Things (20 pics)

“I saw these yesterday while shopping.”

17 Weird Things (20 pics)

“Want to ride on my wicker-woven motorcycle?”

18 Weird Things (20 pics)

“A Louis Vuitton driveway.”

19 Weird Things (20 pics)

“Don’t get me wrong, it’s awful. But I kind of like it...”

20 Weird Things (20 pics)


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