Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 10 Mar, 2021  |
  • Views: 2306  |
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Next time starring on squirrel porn is Ballsy the Squirrel.

1 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

Is he giving me... the bird?

2 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

Caught this guy raiding the bird feeder at night.

3 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

Took a photo of this lazy fella.

4 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

Behold! The best fish picture I've ever taken.

5 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

Hi how are ya, hi how are ya, hi how are ya?

6 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

It was fast, not my fault.

7 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

Mr. Grumpy stepped into the frame uninvited while I was trying to get a nice photo of the river.

8 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

Sigh. This is my bathroom ceiling, and that is a brush tailed possum foot.

9 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

I was trying to take a picture of a juvenile seagull and this sleepy pigeon waddled in and stole the show.

10 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

Took this after getting out of my car to go in a store.

11 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

A capybara getting snipped by a goose. I couldn't believe it when I saw what I captured.

12 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

Any Ornithologists out there to identify this bird?

13 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

I was doing some yard work when I saw a roadrunner running around on my roof. I grabbed my phone to take a shot, but it jumped off just as I snapped.

14 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

Landed on the sun roof… not the most flattering angle.

15 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

You are considered lucky to see one Cape Clawless Otter. Two together at the same time is even more unusual. Not sure what it means when eight demonic ones come and visit you out of the the darkness.

16 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

Trying to take a picture of a sunset while being photobombed by a dolphin.

17 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

Oh look, Honey... there's a sweet little chipmunk in the birdhouse.

18 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

Excuse me, but could I borrow a cup of sugar?

19 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

Got yelled at today.

20 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

He got so excited by the selfie that he jumped onto the phone and I dropped it. For a second, I thought I'd never get it back.

21 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

This little guy's bum is literally calling his food to him.

22 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

This Great Horned Owl doesn't believe a word you say.

23 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

Northern Cardinals apparently survive on a steady diet of tennis balls.

24 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

Might need to work on my backgrounds, but he was relieved to see me after a long night in plastic prison.

25 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

Back to the mother ship.

26 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

Tried to take a panoramic photo while doing a safari ride.

27 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

I said good day, Sir!

28 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)


29 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

Some stray cat snuck in through my cat door. No collar. No chip.

30 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

Australian brushtail possum broke into my friend's roof. This happens often but you don't usually get a cross-section view with added eye contact.

31 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

Sure. Not like that's creepy as ##ck.

32 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

Geckos on military bases are bad###.

33 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)

Check out the excellent welds on this steel fencing.

34 Funny Wildlife Photography (34 pics)


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