Cool Dads (19 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 4 Mar, 2021  |
  • Views: 1125  |
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“My son and I used the same Halloween costumes as last year but made it slightly different.”

1 Cool Dads (19 pics)

“This is the way. This is how we celebrated my daughter’s first Halloween.”

2 Cool Dads (19 pics)

“My son asked me to wear an Elsa dress with him to a Frozen musical.”

3 Cool Dads (19 pics)

“He pulled his stool up, grabbed the brush, and started lathering up. He filled my heart with joy.”

4 Cool Dads (19 pics)

“Wife tried to shame me on Facebook, but all I feel is proud of my invention.”

5 Cool Dads (19 pics)

“I made costumes for our little ones. It felt so great.”

6 Cool Dads (19 pics)

“My dad used to take me to feed the buffalo when I was little. We called this guy Big Daddy.”

7 Cool Dads (19 pics)

“18 years after high school and I’m still showing my daughter that anything is possible!”

8 Cool Dads (19 pics)

“My dad made me my very own tiny coffee shop for Christmas! I love it!”

9 Cool Dads (19 pics)

“Had to show my 4-year-old how to properly exit a swing.”

10 Cool Dads (19 pics)

“Let’s build ’puters, Dad.”

11 Cool Dads (19 pics)

“2020’s daddy-daughter dance was ’80s-themed. Yes, I’m the only dad that dressed up.”

12 Cool Dads (19 pics)

“This is my dad, his friend, and me. I learned guitar on those same instruments, and my dad still plays them regularly.”

13 Cool Dads (19 pics)

“My dad hiking with me in the Austrian mountains.”

14 Cool Dads (19 pics)

“We hit some great houses. Got full-sized snickers at one house. Respect!”

15 Cool Dads (19 pics)

“Dad made a magic sandbox for my 3-year-old son’s birthday.”

16 Cool Dads (19 pics)

“He did most of the work, then bragged at school that he fixed Daddy’s Hellcat. Lead by example, gents!”

17 Cool Dads (19 pics)

“My dad and me, showing the world what cool looks like.”

18 Cool Dads (19 pics)

“My year-and-a-half-old grandson and me out for the day.”

19 Cool Dads (19 pics)


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