Awesome Things (26 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 2 Mar, 2021  |
  • Views: 4271  |
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"There is a house near me that looks like it’s out of a fairytale."

1 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"3D printed model of my brain from an MRI scan."

2 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"All of Crayola's 220 colors on one wall."

3 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"This rock I found has a shell inside it and it’s been worn away to a flat spiral in appearance."

4 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"The wine I ordered online came with a tiny set of dice packaged inside a hollow cork."

5 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"A leaf got imprinted in the parking line."

6 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"Both of my lights burnt out - one turned white while the other turned black."

7 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"I ordered $200 in $2 bills."

8 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"The shadow on the stairs looks like another set of stairs."

9 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"The shadow of my toothbrush looks like Darth Vader."

10 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"I cracked a coconut without breaking the edible part!"

11 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"My teacher made Pokémon animal type of cards for science."

12 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"Was hiking and found this tree some beavers ate."

13 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"My dad put food coloring on icicles."

14 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"These tiny frogs hiding in a rebar end cap in Florida."

15 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"Freak lemon from my garden."

16 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"My sister is collecting banana stickers."

17 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"The shadow of my chimney makes me look like Lord Farquad."

18 Awesome Things (26 pics)

19 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"Perfect snowflake I got on my sleeve this morning."

20 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"My aunt sent me a post card that you need to puzzle to read the message."

21 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"The people who made my guitar pick couldn’t be bothered to buy the stock photo."

22 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"My eggs came with a “Chicken of the Month” collector’s card."

23 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"My 9 year old daughter noticed Pixel earbud packaging made a great 3D alien!"

24 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"While hiking an isolated jungle trail in the Amazon, we came across this post marking the equator."

25 Awesome Things (26 pics)

"This shocking book titled "Famous Nudes" is actually a circa 1970 practical joke novelty that shocks whoever opens it."

26 Awesome Things (26 pics)

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