Bad Plot Twists In Movies (17 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 25 Feb, 2021  |
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Now You See Me

1 Bad Plot Twists In Movies (17 pics)

“Mark Ruffalo turns out to be the one who’s behind everything even though he spent the whole movie as the cop investigating.”

Last Christmas

2 Bad Plot Twists In Movies (17 pics)

“Pretty much everyone figured out the twist after watching the first trailer.”

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

3 Bad Plot Twists In Movies (17 pics)

“When Deadpool returned as the mutant killer Weapon XI. He looked like a mutilated toy from Toy Story.”

Ready or Not

4 Bad Plot Twists In Movies (17 pics)

“When it turns out the curse was real and all their heads start exploding. I just started laughing at how stupid it was.”

Star Wars: Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker

5 Bad Plot Twists In Movies (17 pics)

“The ‘You’re a Palpatine’ line will make me cringe until the end of time.”


6 Bad Plot Twists In Movies (17 pics)

“After the decades of waiting for the conclusion to M. Night Shyamalan’s Unbreakable and Split, all we saw was Bruce Willis die over a [email protected]#king puddle. WTF even was that?”

Then Came You

7 Bad Plot Twists In Movies (17 pics)

“Skye’s character literally dies after doing all that stuff, and instead of them being together (you could cut the sexual tension with a knife), he ends up with a flight attendant and Skye sends him letters from the grave… seriously?”

Gone Girl

8 Bad Plot Twists In Movies (17 pics)

“When Amy returns and reveals she’s pregnant. Someone should have died or just left. Anything other than being pregnant and staying together in fear of one another.”

Shutter Island

9 Bad Plot Twists In Movies (17 pics)

“When I saw the trailer, which shows DiCaprio’s character visiting a mental institution and then his reality crumbling around him, it was obvious to me that DiCaprio was also a patient. I spent the whole film hoping I was wrong, and then when the ‘twist’ came it was just one big roll of the eyes. Don’t get me wrong, I think Scorsese and DiCaprio is actually a better pairing than Scorsese and De Niro, but I don’t get the hype around that film at all. Perhaps if they had kept things vague in the trailer, but the whole thing was predictable and at the same time ridiculous.”

Toy Story 4

10 Bad Plot Twists In Movies (17 pics)

“When Woody left all his friends to stay with Bo Peep. It was shocking for all the wrong reasons.”

Collateral Beauty

11 Bad Plot Twists In Movies (17 pics)

“It has not one, but two ###k twists at the end that are meant to be emotional, but are so contrived, so ###t, and so wrong-headed that it has the complete opposite effect. Like, it’s so ###tty that if I wrote it out, you might not believe I was describing a real movie that stars Will Smith, Ed Norton, Kate Winslet, Michael Pena, Helen Mirren, and Keira Knightley.”

Hide and Seek

12 Bad Plot Twists In Movies (17 pics)

“20 minutes in, I knew exactly how it was going to play out. Robert De Niro had a ‘split personality’ he wasn’t aware of, who ended up being a psychopath. It was dull, dreary, and predictable.”

Sixteen Candles

13 Bad Plot Twists In Movies (17 pics)

“When Jake showed up to be with Sam in the end.”


14 Bad Plot Twists In Movies (17 pics)

“When it turned out the people were being tortured by people doing an elaborate form of cosplay? WTF? Really? The whole thing made no sense.”


15 Bad Plot Twists In Movies (17 pics)

“The reveal of The Beast was such a let down. The whole movie had such a build-up and then they just turn him into a cannibal monster? It was a letdown and felt like a cop-out and a stretch. So disappointing, especially since the rest of the movie was so good!”


16 Bad Plot Twists In Movies (17 pics)

“I couldn’t tell if we were supposed to know that her kid knew she was a tether before.”

The Cabin in the Woods

17 Bad Plot Twists In Movies (17 pics)

“Loved the movie until the end. They should’ve come up with a better explanation for why they were doing what they were doing.”


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