People Still Love These Old Movies (18 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 22 Feb, 2021  |
  • Views: 1887  |
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"Jurassic Park"

1 People Still Love These Old Movies (18 pics)

"Hook. I know it’s not real. But it feels so real."

2 People Still Love These Old Movies (18 pics)

"Goonies!" "I just watched it in my 40s, and still got chills at the end when the ship appears!"

3 People Still Love These Old Movies (18 pics)

"Nightmare Before Christmas. My 4yo kid loves it, so I’ve watched it a lot during the last few months and I enjoy it every time."

4 People Still Love These Old Movies (18 pics)

"Beetlejuice. The Tim Burton aesthetic before it was overdone. The practical effects. The world-building. Michael ##king Keaton stealing the movie even though he was only on screen for 17.5 minutes. The dark humor. I watched it so much that, to this day, I can still recite the movie line for line. I shared it with my kids and they love it, too. (though, not as much as me)"

5 People Still Love These Old Movies (18 pics)

"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The 1990 film."

6 People Still Love These Old Movies (18 pics)

"Emperor’s New Groove."

7 People Still Love These Old Movies (18 pics)

"Home Alone." "Agree on Home Alone, however, have to say Home Alone 2: Lost In New York. John Williams’ music warms my heart every holiday season."

8 People Still Love These Old Movies (18 pics)

"The Princess Bride." "The Dread Pirate Roberts had advice about masks that’s relevant today: It’s just that masks are terribly comfortable — I think everyone will be wearing them in the future."

9 People Still Love These Old Movies (18 pics)

"Never Ending Story"

10 People Still Love These Old Movies (18 pics)

"Shrek is love, Shrek is life."

11 People Still Love These Old Movies (18 pics)

"The Labyrinth. Good puppet work never gets outdated. Bad CGI ages like milk but a movie shot with good practical effects never gets old."

12 People Still Love These Old Movies (18 pics)


13 People Still Love These Old Movies (18 pics)

"National Treasure. I don’t know what it is, but there’s something about that decidedly mediocre film that just gets me excited every time I watch it."

14 People Still Love These Old Movies (18 pics)

"Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Even as an adult, I’m unwilling to accept the cartoon characters aren’t actually real."

15 People Still Love These Old Movies (18 pics)

"The Sandlot"

16 People Still Love These Old Movies (18 pics)

"Harry and the Hendersons."

17 People Still Love These Old Movies (18 pics)

"Pewee’s Big Adventure"

18 People Still Love These Old Movies (18 pics)


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