Unusual Photos (50 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 22 Feb, 2021  |
  • Views: 3347  |
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"The underwater statue, Ocean Atlas, near the Bahamas."

1 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

“I have a birthmark in my eye.”

2 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

“I have partial heterochromia in both eyes.”

3 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

“This baby turtle floating around on a slice of bread.”

4 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

“My friend found a Mastodon tooth and jaw bone in the backyard of my family estate.”

5 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"A tree that looks like it got trunk replacement surgery."

6 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

“All the snails in my garden have gathered onto a single tree.”

7 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

“The frozen water coming out of this drinking fountain looks like an ice mushroom.”

8 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"Look how colorful this emu egg is!"

9 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"A cloud that looks badly edited in the sky."

10 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

“Apparently, dog pee prevents moss growth.”

11 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

“A beaver took down this huge tree.”

12 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"Dew formed on a trampoline in little squares."

13 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

“The ice on this street lamp makes it look like the light is dripping out.”

14 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

“Someone crocheted this tree.”

15 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

“I’ve had a set of these since forever, they’re weighted and work much better than you’d think at first glance.”

16 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"Plants can also be albino."

17 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"Looks like a chicken laid a Kinder Surprise egg."

18 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

“Time to break some hearts.”

19 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"A hornet’s nest inside a chimney."

20 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

“This hot sauce is totally clear.”

21 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

“I dropped a 9V battery & discovered there were actually 6 smaller batteries inside.”

22 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"The inside of a palm tree trunk looks like a giant bed of coconut hair."

23 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

“This Amish village has ‘WHOA’ signs for their horses, instead of stop signs.”

24 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

“Roots of a fallen sequoia.”

25 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"This is how a rare giraffe with skeletal dysplasia looks — it’s only 9 feet tall while a normal giraffe is 15 feet tall , on average."

26 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"Let us show you the picturesque Bozouls Hole . It’s a gorge that’s 1,300 feet wide and 330 feet deep."

27 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"The meteorite in the sunlight."

28 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"This dragonfly imprint on limestone is 150 million years old."

29 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"Regular-sized apples grow on a small bonsai apple tree."

30 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"This butterfly is a gynandromorph. The left part of its body is female, and the right one is male."

31 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"The last bit of summer left in this leaf."

32 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"The mushroom of a very unusual color — it’s the indigo milk cap."

33 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"Chickens like this do exist."

34 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"The desert rose is a rose-like formation of crystal clusters of gypsum that can be found in the Sahara Desert."

35 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"There is a crater on Mars that is called the “happy face crater” because it looks like a happy smile."

36 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"This is the first sunrise in Murmansk, Russia after the polar night. The sun didn’t appear in the sky for 40 days."

37 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"Caddisflies’ larvae protect their developing bodies by manufacturing shea­ths spun from silk and debris found on a pond’s bottom. The French artist, Hubert Duprat, placed them in aquaria with gold, pearls, and gems. Here’s the result."

38 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

“I came to my mother and saw this outside the window.”

39 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"This “space dumpling” is Pan, otherwise known as Saturn’s moon."

40 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"This is the same horse with a gap of 5 years. Some horses are born black but turn gray , slowly."

41 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"Gunbelt of SS Soldier."

42 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"Jesus Aceves known as "Chuy The Wolf Man" due to the condition of the disease hypertrichosis."

43 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"NASA’s visualization of a blackhole."

44 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"A depiction of how many party balloons it would actually take to lift the house from up."

45 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"The ingenuity of smugglers."

46 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

47 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"Anika & Karolina Romanovi, traditional gowns and braids of the Pomak village of Startsevo, Bulgaria."

48 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"Traditional Indian Wedding Dress."

49 Unusual Photos (50 pics)

"The Rockabilly subculture of the 1950’s is still alive and strong in Japan!"

50 Unusual Photos (50 pics)


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