Companies Tricks (15 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 12 Feb, 2021  |
  • Views: 3552  |
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“The coloring on the jar makes you believe the drink contains fruit pieces.”

1 Companies Tricks (15 pics)

“Extra length means extra chips, right?”

2 Companies Tricks (15 pics)

“Here’s how a cauliflower looks after it’s peeled. The spoon is for size comparison!”

3 Companies Tricks (15 pics)

“I’ve read posts on the Internet, but I’ve never been tricked like this myself — until today!”

4 Companies Tricks (15 pics)

“Some boxes of chocolate only look impressive on the outside.”

5 Companies Tricks (15 pics)

“Tell me this spot wasn’t meant for one more chocolate!”

6 Companies Tricks (15 pics)

“I bet the gift packaging can easily accommodate another box of the same size!”

7 Companies Tricks (15 pics)

“I ordered these packs of cookies within 2 weeks of each other. By the way, they both cost the same.”

8 Companies Tricks (15 pics)

“Wait, so where’s the other half of the chicken?”

9 Companies Tricks (15 pics)

"The quality control department must’ve been napping or something!

10 Companies Tricks (15 pics)

“Oh, what nice-looking, trust-inducing — utterly misleading packaging!”

11 Companies Tricks (15 pics)

“It must’ve been this cookie’s prettier sibling that sat for the picture...”

12 Companies Tricks (15 pics)

“I genuinely thought that this phone had 2 cameras...until I took a peek under the casing!”

13 Companies Tricks (15 pics)

“This brand of air freshener appears to have lost some weight over the last few years!”

14 Companies Tricks (15 pics)

“The doughnuts that can’t be seen through the package have no glaze at all!”

15 Companies Tricks (15 pics)


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