Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 10 Feb, 2021  |
  • Views: 1266  |
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I make him do "The Circle of Life" with me on the anniversary of his adoption.

1 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

Nimbus leveled up from Crinkled Tissue to Supermodel.

2 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

Before and After. What a transformation!

3 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

About a year ago I shared a picture of some kittens I found under my house. Here’s an update!

4 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

3 years later and this little man is all grown up! Say hi to Loki!

5 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

They grow up so fast, don't they?

6 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

Chimera kitten to cat.

7 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

How it started and how it is going. Bestfriends.

8 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

Harvey’s skinny body was found abandoned in a ditch, soaking wet, and dotted with cigarette burns. He was infested with fleas, anemic, and starving. One look at his little face and I knew had to adopt him. Fast forward 5 years, he’s now a confident, happy, healthy boi with a career in modelling.

9 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

Two years ago I asked this sub to send their love to my little Ollie after 4 vets tried to tell me wouldn't make it through the night... this gigantic, toothless, furry lovebug has cost me more than a used car but he's gonna be 3 years old next month!

10 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

17 months later.

11 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

Time flies.

12 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

6 weeks and 8 months.

13 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

22 years and counting.

14 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

From kitten to cat: Grandma edition. I’ve been bringing Axl to visit since he was 4 weeks old - he’s 10 months now and she’s his favorite person.

15 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

Six months later... floofy to even more floofy.

16 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

Since July 2019, the table has inexplicably gotten smaller.

17 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

Theodore's birthday! 3 months to 3 years.

18 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

First time in her cat bed vs 2 years later.

19 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

Left - 3 months old. Right - 11 months old. We also got a third cat in the form of his tail.

20 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

Me When I Was Little And Me Last Winter.

21 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

These two have been twinning non-stop since birth.

22 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

1998 And 2018.

23 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

Here's my cat two years later :)

24 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

From 1 month to 7 months. I was about to adopt my very first kitten ; cat foster family said "don't you want to adopt these two? They'd be so happy together". They were so right.

25 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

Bean was a micro kitten. Here she is at 8 weeks vs 5 years. She has some bone deformities that limit her front leg mobility and is still under 6lbs.

26 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

Same spot, same cat, two years difference.

27 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

From meow to MEOW.

28 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

Smile stayed the same. Size not so much.

29 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

Here’s my Buddy, Thor at 7 weeks (day I got him) and at about a year (new toy face!)

30 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)

Seasons keep changing and Stanley keeps growing.

31 Look At These Kittens (31 pics)


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