Interesting Findings (18 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 9 Feb, 2021  |
  • Views: 4078  |
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Refitting our new house’s loft (attic) and found £500 of 1981 currency wrapped in insulation!

1 Interesting Findings (18 pics)

My house is a 112-year-old hospital, and it still has the original fire extinguisher.

2 Interesting Findings (18 pics)

This bathroom in a house that’s for sale.

3 Interesting Findings (18 pics)

There’s a half-height door hidden behind a normal-sized door in my basement. There’s a room back there where we keep some stuff.

4 Interesting Findings (18 pics)

The previous owners of our house built a fully-functional house for kids underneath the basement staircase.

5 Interesting Findings (18 pics)

Cleaning up the house and found an old accordion hidden away. I looked and looked for the name ‘Oreto’ but couldn’t find a brand. It seems very old and was made in Italy.

6 Interesting Findings (18 pics)

The bathroom at my dentist has a picture of the bathroom at my dentist hanging on the wall.

7 Interesting Findings (18 pics)

Magic Chef stove found in a house I just bought, can anyone tell me the year? Still works great!

8 Interesting Findings (18 pics)

What is this appliance built into this kitchen island?

The PRO CookSink is a triumph of innovation... I had one of these in my kitchen and I loved it! It was near my regular sink so I could pull the faucet head over to fill the “pot” then I would turn it on to boil the water.
It has a pot that goes inside it that has holes in it — like a strainer. You put the strainer inside the “sink” and then toss the items that you want to boil inside the strainer and cover it.
Once your food is cooked you lift out the strainer, flip the switch and all the boiling water drains out. The biggest advantage was not having to carry a large pot of boiling water over from your regular stovetop to the sink to drain out the water. I used it for boiling pasta, potatoes, corn on the cob and I loved it!

9 Interesting Findings (18 pics)

I clean this 92-year-old lady’s house and her bathroom is my favorite. Carpet and all.

10 Interesting Findings (18 pics)

I opened a ventilation cavity in a wall and found old love letters bound in string.

11 Interesting Findings (18 pics)

We have a pond in our living room.

12 Interesting Findings (18 pics)

This window hidden behind the wall in our shower.

13 Interesting Findings (18 pics)

Our friends have an actual tree in their living room.

14 Interesting Findings (18 pics)

I found this at my grandparents’ house, looks pretty old.

15 Interesting Findings (18 pics)

A wall was removed in a Victorian house we are working at which revealed an old cast iron fireplace.

16 Interesting Findings (18 pics)

The wallpaper hidden behind my kitchen cabinet found during a remodel.

17 Interesting Findings (18 pics)

Found some 144-year-old soap in an attic.

18 Interesting Findings (18 pics)

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