Funny Photos (15 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 9 Feb, 2021  |
  • Views: 2477  |
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“Bank teller asked me to take the mask off. She just laughed...”

1 Funny Photos (15 pics)

"Chopping onions is a very dangerous sport."

2 Funny Photos (15 pics)

"It’s important to not get emotionally attached to the onion."

“I put a kippah on my cat and I never laughed harder in my life.”

3 Funny Photos (15 pics)

"I would sleep with one eye open if I were you."

“My girlfriend made a chicken pot pie for dinner...”

4 Funny Photos (15 pics)

“Dad called my sister and me downstairs saying, ’Dinner is on the table.’”

5 Funny Photos (15 pics)

“My sister saw this and cried because he had apparently taken dad jokes too far.”

“Here’s another one of our favorite things to do, enjoy!”

6 Funny Photos (15 pics)

“If there’s a single line of footprints in the snow I like to walk on the opposite step to make it look like one person was hopping.”

7 Funny Photos (15 pics)

“My daughter had to draw the wings and feet of the dragon as homework.”

8 Funny Photos (15 pics)

“Sir, I’m pretty sure this is just a domestic flight.”

9 Funny Photos (15 pics)

“My father took the time to do this to my mother, ladies and gentlemen.”

10 Funny Photos (15 pics)

“My friend had a newborn photoshoot with her dissertation.”

11 Funny Photos (15 pics)

“My mom, sister, and I have a group text for glamour shots. Mom sent us a collage. We’re pretty people.”

12 Funny Photos (15 pics)

“I got a 3D printer for Christmas. My friend had a simple request.”

13 Funny Photos (15 pics)

“Dad bought mom a new mask.”

14 Funny Photos (15 pics)

“Christmas breakfast just got a whole lot more funny this year!!!”

15 Funny Photos (15 pics)


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