A Translator’s Guide To Using Social Media For Self-Marketing (9 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 8 Feb, 2021  |
  • Views: 1837  |
Online networking has become a necessity in today’s digital age. Whether you are a freelance translator or have just completed your degree in the language services industry your success factor depends on one thing - how big your networking circle is. Social networks, or social media, can help give your career the boost you may be seeking.

Think about it - you may very well be the best translator around, however, if no one has ever heard of you or about you then your skills do not matter. Hence, self-marketing is vital not only for promoting yourself but to build your reputation as well. This becomes easier if you know your way around various social media platforms.

But What’s The Hype About Social Media Anyway?

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Studies show that there are over 2 billion active social media users. Furthermore, social media accounts for 28% of the time users spend on the internet. Therefore, if you are seeking an audience you are bound to find it via social media.

Now it’s no surprise but the top social media platforms Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+. Now, this does not mean that you have to run and set up each one of these, you or can. Although each social media platform holds its significance - today we will focus on two platforms that are best suited for translation business needs.

Keep reading to find out what two platforms you should be using.


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Twitter is one of the best platforms to ensure you or your business is seen and heard. Here are a few ways you can use Twitter:

● Discover Prospects, Translators and Follow Them

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Do you have a wishlist of people you simply must work with? Well, simply find them on Twitter and start following them. It’s also a wise idea to start replying and retweeting their content. However, be sure that pick and engage with the most influential translators - this is most likely to get you noticed. And even though this may seem like a time-consuming idea it will be worth it. By simply allocating 30 minutes a day to make a huge impact on your online presence.

● Twitter Lists

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You can determine whether you want this list to be public or private, however, once you have narrowed down a list of people you want to follow Twitter will let you group these people and businesses. But what will this do? This will result in a stream of content of people of business you can actively engage with.

● Search For Career Opportunities

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By using keywords in Twitter’s search function you can seek out new job opportunities. Words such as “translation jobs” or “#xl8 jobs” can open new windows of possibilities for you.

● Hashtags Are Your New Best Friends

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Ah yes, the good old hashtag. As tired as we may be of this symbol on every social media platform we open, it can significantly extend your outreach. More so, it will show your post in conversations that may be happening around the topic. Current hashtags used in the translation industry include - #xl8, #t9n, #g11n, and #l10n. Or for example, if you want to showcase your skills and keep things light-hearted you can use hashtags such as, #badtranslations, to point out any translation that has been done incorrectly.

Another great benefit of using Twitter is that Google search engine’s index Tweets. This means that tweets can be found via a simple Google search - only further extending your social media networking.


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Haven’t gotten the time to get around to making that LinkedIn profile? It might be time to do so. Some benefits you may want to consider:

● Optimize Your Profile

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In your LinkedIn profile make sure that your professional headline includes an accurate description of your accomplishments - what you bring to the table. For example, it can read “freelance translator and the languages you can translate.” Further enhance your profile by adding keywords such as CAT tool, translator, etc. This ensures that your name will show up whenever someone searches for a translator.

● Connections

LinkedIn allows you to import any of your pre-existing contacts and allows you to connect with people you may already know. Through these connections, you gain access to new clients or prospective job opportunities.

● Groups

Join groups related to the language services industry. These groups can lead to new business ventures as they often have job boards. Also, you can join groups related to your area of expertise - medical, legal, finance whatever it may be. If you are interested in the language and translation industry, I would like to share an example and in case you want to know more -- In the past decade, firms like Afrolingo have taken the Asain translation and language industry by storm.

● Publish Posts

Do you already have your own blog page or do you make videos offering tips and tricks of the trade? You can feature them on your profile. This will give you a chance to showcase your knowledge and garner the exposure that you may need. For a greater global reach use localization management tools, so your blog can be automatically translated for your readers from around the world. Some groups you may want to consider:

SDL Trados Studio
Translation and Localization Professionals Worldwide
Trad Online

● Use their InMail Feature

Even though this is a paid feature, it will be worth your time and money. InMail allows you to send messages via LinkedIn’s own mailing system. For instance, if you find a new client or job opportunity you can directly contact them through LinkedIn. But why use a paid service? It showcases a more professional demeanor, and you don’t have to jump through various channels for just a simple introduction.

Which Social Media Platform is Right For Me?

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Still not sure on which social media platform to use? It’s important to remember that different social media channels register differently globally, therefore, that will be a big determining factor on which route you choose. Because ultimately you want to ensure that you can maximize your outreach and not waste your time.