Unknown Celebrity Nicknames (14 pics)

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  • 5 Feb, 2021  |
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Keanu Reeves, a.k.a. “The Wall”

1 Unknown Celebrity Nicknames (14 pics)

The acclaimed actor was so good as a hockey goalie, it earned him his nickname. Luckily for all of us, he decided to follow his second passion later in life, which was acting.

Mila Kunis, a.k.a. “Goldfish”

2 Unknown Celebrity Nicknames (14 pics)

Goldfish are often thought to have very short memories. And according to Mila’s best friends, she also tends to forget stuff, which earned her this funny nickname.

Queen Elizabeth, a.k.a. “Gary”

3 Unknown Celebrity Nicknames (14 pics)

The story says that at one time, a young Prince William fell inside Kensington Palace and yelled, “Gary!” A staff member approached him and asked him who Gary was. Right at that moment, Queen Elizabeth arrived and replied that she was “Gary.” It was probably William’s difficulty with pronouncing “granny” that brought about the funny nickname.

Jennifer Lawrence, a.k.a. “Nitro”

4 Unknown Celebrity Nicknames (14 pics)

The actress used to be so hyperactive when she was a kid that her brothers gave her this suitable nickname. They still use it to this day just to annoy her.

Hugh Jackman, a.k.a. “Sticks”

5 Unknown Celebrity Nicknames (14 pics)

We might know Hugh Jackman as a muscular, fitness enthusiast, but he wasn’t always like that. Growing up, he used to have very skinny legs, something that rightfully earned him his nickname.

Tom Hardy, a.k.a. “Weasel”

6 Unknown Celebrity Nicknames (14 pics)

The actor was a wild kid who used to dislike school and would hang out in the streets with his friends instead. He acted out a lot as a kid and got close to getting expelled from his secondary school. And because of this phase in his life, he acquired this nickname.

Bella Thorne, a.k.a. “Pickle”

7 Unknown Celebrity Nicknames (14 pics)

Drew Barrymore has been a longtime friend of Bella’s and is fully responsible for her nickname. While we don’t know its origin story, we can assume it’s because of Bella’s love for pickle juice.

Lewis Hamilton, a.k.a. “Hawkeye”

8 Unknown Celebrity Nicknames (14 pics)

According to the F1 driver’s friends, he is a perfectionist who sees small details that others can’t see. He will notice a small gap that will put him ahead of his opponents or even a thread that’s out of place during a photo shoot.

Liam Payne, a.k.a. “Cheesy Head”

9 Unknown Celebrity Nicknames (14 pics)

His love for cheesy chips is the one and only reason for the funny nickname that followed him throughout his childhood. And, of course, his sister is the one who came up with it.

Lea Michele, a.k.a. “Grandma”

10 Unknown Celebrity Nicknames (14 pics)

The actress has confided that her friends have given her the unusual nickname. The reason for it is because she doesn’t like what people her age typically like, such as going to clubs or listening to loud music. Instead, she prefers sitting at home and watching a good TV show.

Priyanka Chopra, a.k.a. “Mimi”

11 Unknown Celebrity Nicknames (14 pics)

“Mitthoo” was the actress’s first nickname because she was very chatty as a kid, repeating everything and everyone. However, her mom used to call her “Mimi” due to her resemblance to the French actress, Mimi Rodgers. And Priyanka showed a preference for “Mimi” simply because of it being more positive than “Mitthoo.”

Blake Shelton, a.k.a. “Toad”

12 Unknown Celebrity Nicknames (14 pics)

Young Blake used to love catching bugs and frogs and bringing them back home. That’s why his mom started calling him “Toad.” She has also said that Blake loved all animals, and when she killed a fly one time, he started crying.

Daniel Radcliffe, a.k.a. “Shrimpy”

13 Unknown Celebrity Nicknames (14 pics)

The actor used to be very pale and skinny when he was a kid. So it made sense for those around him to think of a nickname that would poke fun at his figure.

Cameron Diaz, a.k.a. “Skeletor”

14 Unknown Celebrity Nicknames (14 pics)

The actress’s upbringing was quite tough, mainly because she was a fair-skinned kid with a Spanish name living in a predominately Latino neighborhood. This is one reason why other kids would make fun of her. Another reason was for her skinny figure, which earned her the nickname.


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