Living With Children (41 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 4 Feb, 2021  |
  • Views: 1991  |
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"My niece. My spirit animal."

1 Living With Children (41 pics)

“Best place to put the Switch to charge?”

2 Living With Children (41 pics)

“My son found a piece of brick outside, put it in a Ziploc bag for safekeeping, and brought it inside.”

3 Living With Children (41 pics)

“He thought he was putting sugar on his pumpkin pie. It was salt. He still ate all of his pie.”

4 Living With Children (41 pics)

“Well, just finished building a Lego set with my oldest son. His younger brother then grabs part of the set, runs outside, and drops it down the sewer vent.”

5 Living With Children (41 pics)

“My little brother eats dinner in front of a picture of himself every night.”

6 Living With Children (41 pics)

“She asked me to hide her dolls. She didn’t specify where, but thinks I hid them in the sandbox. She’s dumping out all of her sand. They’re hiding in the dollhouse.”

7 Living With Children (41 pics)

“It won’t come off.”

8 Living With Children (41 pics)

“I see that other guy’s brother and raise my son.”

9 Living With Children (41 pics)

“I’m helping my mom clean out my little sister’s room and we found this ball with toys glued to it.”

10 Living With Children (41 pics)

“Paper clips are hard...”

11 Living With Children (41 pics)

“Help!! My son may be a psychopath. This is him eating a banana.”

12 Living With Children (41 pics)

“Apparently my child thinks an apple will charge his tablet.”

13 Living With Children (41 pics)

“If you have kids, check your air fryer basket for carpet scrubber attachments BEFORE turning it on.”

14 Living With Children (41 pics)

“I see your psychopathic banana eater and raise you my apple torturer.”

15 Living With Children (41 pics)

“Playing hide and seek... she thought I’d think she was a painted statue.”

16 Living With Children (41 pics)

“The way my brother likes to watch YouTube.”

17 Living With Children (41 pics)

“I got stuck in a stool in seventh grade.”

18 Living With Children (41 pics)

“Not sure who’s worse, my kids for not shutting the door, or me for not making sure it got shut.”

19 Living With Children (41 pics)

"My 2 year old daughter was pretty hungry."

20 Living With Children (41 pics)

"My daughters wanted to play with chalk outside. I came out to them setting up a fake crime scene."

21 Living With Children (41 pics)

"Kid at walmart dragging his head on the ground while mom was shoppingю"

22 Living With Children (41 pics)

23 Living With Children (41 pics)

"Heard my son making weird cat noises. Found him this way."

24 Living With Children (41 pics)

"My sister and I used to rip the heads off of Monster High Dolls and attach the head to their calves…"

25 Living With Children (41 pics)

"My little sister was complaining about wanting to swim but having no pool. I found her in the backyard like this."

26 Living With Children (41 pics)

"Yes, she put cheese in her toes."

27 Living With Children (41 pics)

"My little brother eats a burger layer by layer."

28 Living With Children (41 pics)

" “Necessities” for international travel according to a five year-old."

29 Living With Children (41 pics)

30 Living With Children (41 pics)

"Not sure how I should feel about my daughters drawing chalk outlines of each other.."

31 Living With Children (41 pics)

32 Living With Children (41 pics)

33 Living With Children (41 pics)

34 Living With Children (41 pics)

35 Living With Children (41 pics)

"This child normally eats a cheese only taco, but tonight opted for a carrot only taco and she ate every bite."

36 Living With Children (41 pics)

"I found this collection of heads in my kids’ playroom."

37 Living With Children (41 pics)

38 Living With Children (41 pics)

"Younger son was trimming his fingernails today and decided to give one of them a crown."

39 Living With Children (41 pics)

"Came outside to check on my son who said he was going to take a nap. I think he’s living his best life."

40 Living With Children (41 pics)

41 Living With Children (41 pics)


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