Amazing Abandoned Places (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 28 Jan, 2021  |
  • Views: 6669  |
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"This Castle In Scotland."

1 Amazing Abandoned Places (20 pics)

"Abandoned JC Penny mall in Ohio covered in snow."

2 Amazing Abandoned Places (20 pics)

"Pre WW2-era Soviet light tank now slowly rusting away on Shumshu."

3 Amazing Abandoned Places (20 pics)

"Archive, Italy."

4 Amazing Abandoned Places (20 pics)

"Long abandoned hindu temple in the Kashmir mountains, India."

5 Amazing Abandoned Places (20 pics)

"Beautiful abandoned theater next to a police station. Definitely a tough one to do."

6 Amazing Abandoned Places (20 pics)

"A forgotten hearse chariot, hidden inside a morose barn. It's final destination. RIP"

7 Amazing Abandoned Places (20 pics)

"Abandoned 18th-century Portuguese monastery enclosed by green wilderness."

8 Amazing Abandoned Places (20 pics)

"I lived in this house in 1998. Came back to check it out 23 years later."

9 Amazing Abandoned Places (20 pics)

"An amazing discovery on an abandoned shopping mall in Bangkok, Thailand. It’s actually flooded by rainwater and is now home to thousands of fishes. This is so beautiful!"

10 Amazing Abandoned Places (20 pics)

"Camels sitting in the shade of an abandoned boat on the dried up Aral Sea."

11 Amazing Abandoned Places (20 pics)

"Flooded and Frozen Basement in a Large Abandoned Home, Toronto Ontario."

12 Amazing Abandoned Places (20 pics)

"Abandoned Renaissance Fair, Virginia USA."

13 Amazing Abandoned Places (20 pics)

"One of the best art pieces I have seen in an abandoned building. Sadly this artist who was very well known in our area was recently killed a few months ago after being hit by a car. RIP Teck9"

14 Amazing Abandoned Places (20 pics)

"I took a photo with my drone of an abandoned farmhouse that looks like a castle, Italy."

15 Amazing Abandoned Places (20 pics)

"This Hotel In Europe."

16 Amazing Abandoned Places (20 pics)

"Abandoned historical palace in Hungary."

17 Amazing Abandoned Places (20 pics)

"Abandoned 400-year-old estate in Italy that was home to the youngest sister of Napoleon Bonaparte."

18 Amazing Abandoned Places (20 pics)

"This Bell Tower In Italy."

19 Amazing Abandoned Places (20 pics)

"Abandoned House on the Beach."

20 Amazing Abandoned Places (20 pics)

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