Amusing Dogs (22 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 20 Jan, 2021  |
  • Views: 1559  |
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"The face he makes when he's about to bark."

1 Amusing Dogs (22 pics)


2 Amusing Dogs (22 pics)

“This was how my girlfriend’s dog popped up today when we said, ’Good morning,’ to him!”

3 Amusing Dogs (22 pics)

"Our dog likes sitting on our cast iron."

4 Amusing Dogs (22 pics)

“This is how my dog sits.”

5 Amusing Dogs (22 pics)

"Getting drunk."

6 Amusing Dogs (22 pics)

"Meet Loki. He likes to people watch."

7 Amusing Dogs (22 pics)

“Bought them a basket for their toys and she pulled them all out to sit in it.”

8 Amusing Dogs (22 pics)

“My dog grabs things around the house and brings them to me for a treat. Today, he somehow got this.”

9 Amusing Dogs (22 pics)

“Someone looks pretty chill.”

10 Amusing Dogs (22 pics)

“This is how my family’s dog begs for a treat.”

11 Amusing Dogs (22 pics)


12 Amusing Dogs (22 pics)

“A coffee please”

13 Amusing Dogs (22 pics)

“Do your dogs bite?” “No it’s worse, they judge you.”

14 Amusing Dogs (22 pics)

“After a day of playing in the snow.”

15 Amusing Dogs (22 pics)

“Ummmm... how could this possibly be comfortable???”

16 Amusing Dogs (22 pics)

“Is it enough for Tinder or do I need to show more?”

17 Amusing Dogs (22 pics)

“Etta has 2 sides to her personality.”

18 Amusing Dogs (22 pics)

“Keeping one of the fastest (but not smartest) dog breeds in the world out of the kitchen while cooking (with what I had on hand).”

19 Amusing Dogs (22 pics)

“Sometimes my lip, gets stuck on my teefs. You think it looks weird, but I just can’t help it...”

20 Amusing Dogs (22 pics)

“Superdog... ACTIVATE!”

21 Amusing Dogs (22 pics)

"I don't think he fully understands the crate."

22 Amusing Dogs (22 pics)

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