Funny Situations (16 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 18 Jan, 2021  |
  • Views: 4234  |
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“I like to take videos of my wife, and tell her I’m taking pictures.”

1 Funny Situations (16 pics)

“I’m tired of being the single friend, so I bought these to leave in all my boys’ cars.”

2 Funny Situations (16 pics)

3 Funny Situations (16 pics)

“The kids have been asking, dad is delivering. Christmas is going to be great.”

4 Funny Situations (16 pics)

“Guys, just look at how my friend eats her pizza!”

5 Funny Situations (16 pics)

“All of my coworkers agreed to dress up as Smurfs for Halloween. I’m the only one who went through with it.”

6 Funny Situations (16 pics)

7 Funny Situations (16 pics)

“My mom got mad at her name/picture and told me to change it, so I did.”

8 Funny Situations (16 pics)

“My mom gave my stepdad an (almost) buzzcut and sent me this photo and message saying, ’Don’t tell him about the surprise!’”

9 Funny Situations (16 pics)

“My dad pranked my mom by putting his old ninja turtles all over the house in weird places. Here was one in the microwave.”

10 Funny Situations (16 pics)

“My sister asked me to edit some photos for her wedding website.”

11 Funny Situations (16 pics)

“I installed 2 switches in my brother’s Prius that do nothing. They just run off watch batteries to light up. Let’s see what happens.”

12 Funny Situations (16 pics)

“Day 5 of adding stuff to the nativity scene until my mom notices. Well, she noticed this morning — it’s been a good run everyone!”

13 Funny Situations (16 pics)

“My wife always complains that it takes me too long to clean up the yard. I don’t see the problem.”

14 Funny Situations (16 pics)

15 Funny Situations (16 pics)

“I saw this sticker in the restroom at a movie theater. That’s a hand dryer. Also it doesn’t work no matter what you do.”

16 Funny Situations (16 pics)


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