Cleaning Perfection (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 29 Dec, 2020  |
  • Views: 2936  |
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“Just power washed my hiking shoes.”

1 Cleaning Perfection (20 pics)

“Mid cleaning before/after with a surprisingly straight line.”

2 Cleaning Perfection (20 pics)

“Had my work cut out for me this morning!”

3 Cleaning Perfection (20 pics)

“So fresh and so clean.”

4 Cleaning Perfection (20 pics)

"After cleaning the house facade, it looks as if it was freshly painted."

5 Cleaning Perfection (20 pics)

"New floor tiles or just clean old ones?"

6 Cleaning Perfection (20 pics)

“Saved my deck from certain death.”

7 Cleaning Perfection (20 pics)

“Please send someone to wash the other roof.”

8 Cleaning Perfection (20 pics)

"This step-by-step deep cleaning of a patio chair is so satisfying."

9 Cleaning Perfection (20 pics)

“That was a big old job...”

10 Cleaning Perfection (20 pics)

"The concrete pedestal looks almost as if it had just been made."

11 Cleaning Perfection (20 pics)

“Just bought a house and a power washer to go with it. All the new neighbors were impressed with the improvements!”

12 Cleaning Perfection (20 pics)

“Before/after of a tough job.”

13 Cleaning Perfection (20 pics)

“Soft wash action.”

14 Cleaning Perfection (20 pics)

“A little ashamed to admit this is what my camper looked like after a year and a half of neglect.”

15 Cleaning Perfection (20 pics)

“First time working with a power washer. Tough work, but super-rewarding.”

16 Cleaning Perfection (20 pics)

“Do people here like metal polish?”

17 Cleaning Perfection (20 pics)

“Before and after of a fryer I cleaned.”

18 Cleaning Perfection (20 pics)

“I’ll finish washing the fence tomorrow. But until then...”

19 Cleaning Perfection (20 pics)

“I’m gonna need some sunglasses.”

20 Cleaning Perfection (20 pics)


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